Software overview - Kunnskapsbasen
Software overview
Norsk versjon - Programvareoversikt
Topic page about software | Pages labeled with software
Do you need software you can't find in the overview below, see Software available by request.
License types:
Note! SC (Software Center) is only available for machines operated by NTNU IT. If you cannot find the product in SC, contact the Oracle Service.
Product | Available | License type | Category | For Employees |
For Students |
20-sim | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
7-Zip | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Abaqus | SC | VDI | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Active-HDL | SC | VDI | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
ActivePerl | Prod | Single User License | Programming | Yes | Yes |
AdminStudio | Prod | Volume License | Programming | Yes | No |
Adobe Acrobat | SC | Prod | Site license | Office support | Yes | No |
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Adobe Creative Cloud | SC | Prod | Site license | Office support | Yes | No |
AIM-Spice | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Aimsun | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Altium | SC | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
AML | SC | Farm | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Anaconda3 | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
Ansys | SC | VDI | DL | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Apache NetBeans | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Aquasim | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
ArcGIS | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Geographical information | Yes | Yes |
ArchiCAD | SC | VDI | Prod | Site license | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Ardunio | SC | Prod | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
Ashes | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Aspen Engineering Suite | SC | Farm | DL | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Aspen Unscrabler | VDI | Farm | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Atmel Studio | SC | Prod | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
Audacity | SC | Prod | Free | Multimedia | Yes | Yes |
Auditbase (client) | SC | Volume License | Hearing software | Yes | No |
Aurical Plus | SC | Volume License | Hearing software | Yes | No |
AutoCAD | SC | VDI | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
AutoCAD Architecture | SC | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
AutoCAD Electrical | SC | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
AutoCAD LT | SC | Single User License | Engineering | Yes | No |
AutoCAD Map 3D | SC | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Autodesk Education | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Autodesk Revit | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Automation Studio | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | No |
Aventa | SC | Volume License | Hearing software | Yes | Yes |
Bentley FlowMaster | SC | Prod | Site license | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Bernafon Oasis | SC | Volume License | Hearing software | Yes | No |
Bever Control | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
BioNumerics | SC | Prod | Volume License | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
Blender | SC | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
BlueJ | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
CAESAR II | SC | VDI | DL | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Cain | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Camtasia | SC | Volume License | Multimedia | Yes | No |
Canvas X | Prod | Single User License | Multimedia | Yes | No |
CASAnova | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
ChemOffice Professional | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Site license | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Cisco Secure Endpoint | SC | Prod | Volume License | Anti-virus | Yes | No |
Cisco AnyConnect VPN | SC | DL | Site license | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
CityEngine | DL | Site license | Geographical information | Yes | Yes |
Clone Manager | SC | Farm | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | No |
CloudCompare | SC | Prod | Free | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
Clue | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Office support | Yes | Yes |
CMG Launcher | SC | VDI | Farm | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Cobra | Prod | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
COGNIsoft | SC | Volume License | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | No |
COMSOL Multiphysics | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
ConnectWise | remote control session | Volume License | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
Connexx | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | No |
CorelDRAW | Prod | Single User License | Multimedia | Yes | No |
Cubase | SC | Prod | Volume License | Multimedia | Yes | Yes |
Cytoscape | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
Deform | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | No |
DELFTship | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Democracy 3 | SC | Volume License | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | No |
DeskProto | SC | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
DIALux evo | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
DNASTAR Lasergene | SC | Prod | Single User License | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | No |
DNV | VDI | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
DNV Nauticus Hull | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
DWG TrueView | SC | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
ECLIPSE | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Eduroam | SC | Prod | Site license | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
Elan | SC | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Emacs | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
EMTP | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
EndNote | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Enterprise Architect | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
EpaNet | SC | VDI | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
EPA SWMM | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Evernote | SC | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
EViews | SC | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | No |
FactSage | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | No |
Fap2d | SC | Farm | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
FastStone Image Viewer | SC | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Fedem | SC | VDI | DL | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Fico Xpress IVE | SC | Prod | Free | Programming | No | Yes |
Fiji | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Multimedia | Yes | Yes |
FileMaker Pro | SC | Prod | Single User License | Multimedia | Yes | No |
FlexSim | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Flixo Pro | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
FluidSIM | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
FME | SC | Prod | Volume License | Geographical information | Yes | No |
Focus Konstruksjon | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
GAMS | SC | Volume License | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | No |
Gemini Terreng | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
GeNIe Academic | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
GeoGebra | SC | VDI | Prod | Free | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
Ghostscript | SC | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
GiD | Prod | Single User License | Engineering | Yes | No |
Gimp | SC | Prod | AA | Free | Graphics/visualization | Yes | Yes |
GISLINE | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Git | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
GLview | SC | Farm | DL | Site license | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
Granta Edupack | SC | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
GraphPad Prism | SC | Prod | Volume License | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | No |
GX Works | VDI | DL | Site license | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
H5P | Feide | Site license | Education | Yes | Yes |
HandBrake | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Multimedia | Yes | Yes |
HEAT2 | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
HEAT3 | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
HEC-RAS | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
HOMER Legacy | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
HSC Chemistry | SC | Farm | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
HyperRESEARCH | SC | Prod | Volume License | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
HyperWorks | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | No |
IDA ICE | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | No |
ImageJ | SC | Prod | Free | Graphics/visualization | Yes | Yes |
Inkscape | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Graphics/visualization | Yes | Yes |
IntelliJ | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Intrasis | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
IrfanView | SC | Prod | Free | Graphics/visualization | Yes | Yes |
ITK-SNAP | SC | Prod | Free | Graphics/visualization | Yes | Yes |
JAGS | SC | Prod | Free | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
JASP | VDI | Free | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
JT2Go | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
KeePass | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
KeyShot | SC | VDI | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
LabVIEW | SC | VDI | DL | Site license | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 | SC | VDI | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
LibreOffice | SC | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Lingdys/Lingright | SC | Prod | Volume License | Reading-/writing skills | Yes | Yes |
Lisrel | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
Lydia client | VDI | Farm | Volume License | Office support | Yes | No |
Logos | SC | Volume License | Reading-/writing skills | Yes | Yes |
LTspice IV | SC | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
M+ | Prod | Volume License | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Maconomy Workspace Client | VDI | Volume License | Office support | Yes | No |
MagiCAD | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Maple | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
Mathcad | SC | VDI | DL | Volume License | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
Mathematica | SC | VDI | Volume License | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | No |
MathType | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Matlab | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
Maxsurf | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Mentimeter | Prod | Site license | Education | Yes | Yes |
Metashape | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes | | Prod | Volume License | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | No |
Microsoft Mathematics | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
Microsoft Office 365 | Innsida | Site license | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Microsoft Power BI | VDI | Site License | Statistics/Office | Yes | Yes |
Microsoft Project | Innsida | Single User License | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Microsoft Visio | Innsida | Single User License | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Microsoft Visual Studio Community | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Microsoft Windows 10 | Prod | Site license | Office support | Yes | Yes |
MicroStation | SC | DL | Site license | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
MikTeX | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
MindManager | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Minitab | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
MobaXterm | SC | Prod | Free | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
Mozart-Oz | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
Mplus | SC | Prod | Volume License | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | No |
Multisim | SC | VDI | DL | Site license | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
NAG Software | Prod | DL | Site license | Programming | Yes | Yes |
NavPac | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Netbeans IDE | VDI | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
Notepad++ | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
NVivo | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
NX | SC | VDI | DL | Site license | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Nyno | Prod | Single User License | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Octave | SC | Prod | Free | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
OpenOffice | SC | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
OpenVPN | SC | Prod | Free | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
OptiWin 3D Pro | SC | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Origin Pro | SC | Prod | Volume License | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
Overleaf | Prod | Site license | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Palisade Decision Tools Suite | VDI | Site License | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Pandoc | SC | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Pasco Capstone | SC | DL | Site license | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Password Safe | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
PCTeX | SC | DL | Site license | Office support | Yes | Yes |
PDF Editor | VDI | Farm | Volume License | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Perl | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
Pidgin | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
PitStop Pro | Prod | Volume License | Office support | Yes | No |
Plaxis | SC | VDI | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
PowerShell Studio | Prod | Volume License | Programming | Yes | No |
PRTG | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | No |
Purple Pen | VDI | Farm | Site License | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Putty | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
PyMOL | Prod | Single User License | Engineering | Yes | No |
Python | SC | VDI | Prod | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
Python-xy | SC | Prod | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
QGIS | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Quartus II | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Quick Terrain Modeler | Prod | Single User License | Engineering | Yes | No |
R | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
RoboDK | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
R Studio | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Programming | Yes | Yes |
Relux Suite | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Rhino | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
RocScience | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
S3GRAF | SC | Volume License | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
Safe Exam Browser | SC | Prod | Site license | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
SAP2000 | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Scientific Workplace | SC | Prod | Single User License | Office support | Yes | Yes |
ShipFlow | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
ShipX | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Shotcut | SC | Prod | Free | Multimedia | Yes | Yes |
Sibelius | Prod | Volume License | Multimedia | Yes | No |
Siemens Teamcenter | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Sigmaplot | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
Simapro | SC | VDI | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
SimFlow | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
SketchUp Pro | SC | Prod | DL | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Skype Linux client | Prod | Volume License | Web/communication | Yes | No |
Smart Notebook | SC | AA | Volume License | Education | Yes | Yes |
SmartSketch | SC | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
SnagIt | SC | Prod | Volume License | Office support | Yes | No |
Solibri Office | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Solidworks | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Spartan 14 | SC | Farm | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
SPSS | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
SPSS Amos | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
SPSS Sample Power | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
STAN | VDI | Farm | Free | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
STAR-CCM+ | SC | VDI | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Stata | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Mathematics/Statistics | Yes | Yes |
Structure | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Synchro Pro | SC | VDI | DL | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
TeamViewer | SC | Prod | Free | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
TecPlot | SC | Prod | Volume License | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
Tekla Structures | SC | DL | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
TerrSet Idrisi | SC | DL | Volume License | Geographical information | Yes | Yes |
TESS | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Geographical information | Yes | Yes |
TeXnicCenter | SC | Farm | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Textpad | SC | Farm | Site license | Office support | Yes | Yes |
TIBCO Statistica | Prod | Single User License | Engineering | Yes | No |
Topspin | SC | Prod | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Trimble Novapoint | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Trimble Quadri | SC | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
Vim | SC | VDI | Farm | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Visual3D | Prod | Volume License | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
VLC | SC | Prod | Free | Multimedia | Yes | Yes |
West Point Bridge Designer | VDI | Free | Engineering | Yes | Yes |
WinSCP | SC | VDI | Prod | Free | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
Winsteps | Prod | Volume License | Data analysis/-visualization | Yes | Yes |
Xara Photo Graphic Designer | Farm | Volume License | Multimedia | Yes | Yes |
X-win 32 | SC | VDI | Farm | DL | Site license | Web/communication | Yes | Yes |
Zotero | SC | VDI | Prod | Free | Office support | Yes | Yes |
Orakel Support Services can help if you have questions or if you encounter difficulties.
Child Pages (6)
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Software available by request
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Software Farm
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Software products
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