
Norsk versjon: 20-sim

Software information

20-sim is a modeling and simulation program for mechatronic systems. With 20-sim you can enter model graphically, similar to drawing an engineering scheme. With these models you can simulate and analyze the behavior of multi-domain dynamic systems and create control systems. You can even generate C-code and run this code on hardware for rapid prototyping and HIL-simulation.

License information

Volum license: Access limited and needs-tested volume agreement for a Dept./Faculty. A class set via license server + some single-user licenses.

Used by The IV Faculty (Department of Marine Technology). Contact the IT responsible at the Dept. for details.

Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.


Supplier information

Manufacturer: 20-sim

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2525 Visninger
IT-info: programvare Målgruppe: Medarbeidere Studenter Tema: IT-hjelp