
Norsk versjon – DeskProto

Software information

DeskProto is a 3D CAM program (CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing). It can import STL files from any 3D CAD program, calculate CNC toolpaths and then write NC program files for any brand of CNC milling machine, 3-axis, 4-axis or 5-axis.

DeskProto is used by designers for prototypes, jewelers for wax models, artists for sculptures, medics for prostheses, moldmakers, woodworkers, teachers, students, hobbyists, and many more.

License information

Free: One Free edition and three Extended editions that can be used in Trial mode.

Used by Faculty of Engineering

Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.


Supplier information

Manufacturer: See more about DeskProto at DeskProto

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