
Norsk versjon – Overleaf

Software information

Overleaf (former ShareLaTeX) - "The Online LaTeX Editor" - is a webbased LaTeX editor. This editor allows multiple users to edit the same document simultaneously and se each others changes in real time. The program support almost all LaTeX features, including inserting images, bibliographies, equations, and much more. The LaTeX files are stored at Overleaf. These files can be downloaded to your local PC if required. The document can also be converted to a PDF-file for printing.

License information

Site license: Available for all students and employees.

Used by some faculties at NTNU

NTNU has a license for Overleaf for all employees and students. To get access you need to register your NTNU e-mail address at Overleaf's web page:

Users will need to add their NTNU email address to their account to gain access to their upgrade. They should visit their user settings page at,

and add their institutional email address. They will be presented with an invite into the premium account, where they will be required to verify their email address. Any personal subscriptions can be canceled at that point.

Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.

Data Processing Agreement

Overleaf is a collaboration service that requires a data processing agreement.

Status: In process.

Supplier information

Manufacturer: See more about Overleaf at Overleaf

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