
Norsk versjon – Topspin

Software information

In order to provide students, researchers and teachers with unlimited access to the best tools for off-line NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) processing, Bruker is making their market leading NMR processing software TopSpin available free of charge for all academic users.  In addition to Bruker NMR data, the software is able to process data acquired on Agilent, Varian and Jeol systems, as well as read any data provided in JCAMP format. The format defined by the Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data supports chemical and spectroscopic information.

License information

Free software: Topspin is licensed free of charge for students and teachers. Available on MS Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Used by Faculty of Natural Sciences (Department of Biotechnology and Food Science)

Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.


Supplier information

Manufacturer: See more about Topspin at Bruker.

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