Matlab - Kunnskapsbasen
Norsk versjon - Matlab
Software information
MATLAB is the most used tool for numerical mathematics at NTNU. MATLAB has more than 300 functions, and can for instance be used to solve linear equations, differential equations, polynomials and integration. You can also add your own functions.
MATLABs functionality can be expanded using toolboxes to solve specific types of problems. SIMULINK is a tool for simulating dynamic non-linear systems. All this makes MATLAB a very general and usable system.
MATLAB has commands for graphics in both two and three dimensions. The graphics can also be exported for use in publications.
MATLAB includes a high level programming language. There is also a C and Fortran environment.
About Matlab: Release Highlights
License information
Site license: The license gives access to Matlab, Simulink and 65 toolboxes. Matlab is available for Windows, Mac OS X and UNIX/Linux.
Used by several faculties at NTNU.
Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.
- From Software Center
- From Software Farm
- From AppsAnywhere (The portal has been decommissioned and is no longer operational)
Note that all 65 "toolboxes" will be automatically installed on standard full installation. This will require up to 5GB of hard disc space You will not need all 65, and it is therefore recommended that you choose custom installation and only install the toolboxes you need. Should you later on need more, these can then be installed.
Agreement for NTNU
NTNU has an agreement for all employees and students for single user installations and use of license servers. The program can be installed on machines owned by NTNU and on machines owned by employees and students.
For single user installation, each machine will be assigned a license file that can be used only on that machine. Matlab is then used without being connected to a network. This is the most common way to use Matlab. By using a license server, we use a license file stored at NTNU and we must be connected to the Internet. We must then be connected to the NTNU network to use Matlab - either directly or via VPN from other networks.
Single user installation
With single user installation (stand-alone installation), a license file is installed on your machine, which allows you to use Matlab without being connected to the internet. Note that for such installations, the license file must be renewed annually after NTNU has renewed the agreements with MathWorks.
Licensing takes place in 3 stages:
- Create an account at Mathworks - it is linked to NTNU's name and email address. Note that the email address must contain the domain name (students:, so use your NTNU mail account. This is done once. You will receive an email from Mathworks, which you must confirm.
- Your account must be linked to NTNU's license agreement. You must be registered as "licensed end user" under the agreement
- Activation: You will get a license file for the machine the software is installed on.
To perform the above steps, the Activation Key associated with the agreement is used. To perform item 2, you can also use the license number.
You can perform steps 1-3 during installation of the program if you are connected to the Internet during installation. Mathworks automatically installs the license file on your machine. Anyone who already has an account will be allowed to complete points 1 and 2.
Install without internet licensing
You can also install Matlab without being connected to the internet. Use File installation key. You must be connected to the internet and perform items 1-3 either before or after the installation. The File installation key is in the Matlab download page at
An account can be created at the Mathworks Licensing Center. There you can also perform steps 1-3. Use the activation code and enter an identification of the machine (Host ID for Windows PC and Linux). You will receive a license file by email or get the file transferred to the machine. You may want to make do it before installation. You also get the File installation key.
Licensing from Matlab after installation
You can also do the licensing from Matlab after installation. It is required that you are connected to the internet to complete the process.
- Select Help / Licensing / Activate Software. It is also installed a small program you can use to perform licensing.
- In Windows: select Programs, Matlab and Activate Matlab.
- In Linux: use the program We can also, as a first step, create an account if we do not have it.
- In OS X, right-click Matlab in the application folder, and click Show the contents of the package. Select Activate.
If you have Matlab from before
If you have already installed Matlab, you can, without reinstalling Matlab, change the license from using a license server to one-user installation. Should you wish to continue to be licensed with a license server, this is also possible. When installing a different Matlab edition than the one you have installed, use the activation code again and get a new license file (item 3). The license number and the NTNU's license agreement are as before (1 and 2).
Renewing the license
The MATLAB license is only valid for one year at a time. When the license is about to expire, you'll get notified when opening MATLAB.
If you start MATLAB shortly before the license will expire, the license will automatically be renewed. You can also trigger the renewal manually by clicking Help → Licensing → Update Current License.
If it has been a while since the last time you used MATLAB, the license might already have expired. In this case, automatic renewal won't work. Instead, when starting MATLAB a activation window will appear. You'll be asked to enter the username and password to your MathWorks account (just like you did when you originally installed MATLAB).
Read more about installing og activation.
The same user can install Matlab on multiple machines.
Getting started
In Matlab you can use the command "intro" to start a simple demonstration with calculation examples.
A far more detailed demonstration of Matlab and its functions can be seen by entering the command "demo".
Documentation and Handbooks
Information about how Matlab can be used can be found at MathWorks: Documentation for MathWorks Product Family
Check out the Getting Started Guide. It can be found both under Help and as a PDF.
The functions in the toolboxes are available in addition to the regular functions in Matlab. By entering "help", a list of help topics appear. In this list we can see which toolboxes are available. We might for example find:
simulink/simulink - SIMULINK toolbox/control - Control System Toolbox. images/images - Image Processing Toolbox. nnet/nnet - Neural Network Toolbox. nnet/nndemos - Neural Network Demonstrations and Applications. toolbox/optim - Optimization Toolbox. toolbox/pde - Partial Differential Equation Toolbox. toolbox/signal - Signal Processing Toolbox. toolbox/stats - Statistics Toolbox.
To learn more about each individual toolbox, write, "help topic", for example:
help toolbox/pde
Matlab Online is a service where we can use Matlab with a web browser. We get interactive access to the Matlab user interface - to all commands and functions. We can perform calculations, we can create, store and execute Matlab programs (scripts). We can share data and files with other MATLAB users.
For more, see
Matlab Mobile
We can perform calculations in Matlab from our mobile phones and tablets. No calculations are done on the cell phone or tablet - it takes place in Matlab Online or on Matlab in a computer.
We use Matlab Mobile App for Android and IOS. We can set up a connection to Matlab Online and to one or more computers on the Internet. The computer can be a PC, a Mac and a Linux machine. We can then perform calculations where we are connected. Matlab must be running on the computer we are connected to and the command "Connector on" must be executed in Matlab.
For more, see:
Matlab Drive on PC and Mac
With this service the same Matlab files are available on our PC and Mac computers, in Matlab Online and Matlab Mobile.
We install Matlab Drive Connector on our PC or Mac. A folder called "Matlab Drive Folder". is then created on our machine. There is automatic synchronization between this folder and the file storage that Matlab Online has access to. This means that everything we store in the Matlab Drive folder on our PC and Mac is available in Matlab Online. Conversely, everything we store from Matlab Online is available on our PC and Mac. And we find the same in Matlab Mobile.
For more information and installation of Matlab Drive Connector, see:
MATLAB Toolboxes
The toolboxes vary in size and it is recommended to only install the ones you need.
For information about each Toolbox, se: Products and Services
Interaction with other software
MATLAB - NAG toolbox
NTNU offers MATLAB - NAG toolbox. The toolbox provides staff and students at NTNU with all subroutines in NAG's (Numerical Algorithms Group) numerical subroutine library. The library contains all the subroutines of the Fortran library, thus one does not need to install the Fortran library as well. The toolbox is available in the folder campus\Matlab on Progdist. How to install see the file campus\Matlab\NAG_Installasjon.txt or follow this guide (only in norwegian).
For more, see:
YouTube video of NAG: NAG Toolbox tour
Maple Toolbox for MATLAB
Maple toolbox is available for MATLAB. Maple is often used in symbolic and numerical calculations. It can be an alternative to Symbolic toolbox.
See Matlab Connectivity og Expand MATLAB by the use of Maple and NAG (in norwegian).
User help
Students at NTNU can send questions directly to MathWorks - at Write in english, as the questions could be forwarded inside the MathWorks network. Remember to use your student emailaddress,
MathWorks Online Courses
All users who are associated to NTNU's Campus-Wide License are automatically enrolled in all available online training courses. To access training, you should:
1. Visit
2. Click “View my courses” and log in using your MathWorks account
Once logged in, you will be able to see a full list of available courses.
Users who are not associated to NTNU's Campus-Wide License should visit this page to link your MathWorks account to the license.
- MathWorks Products
- NAG subroutine library
- Matlab for employees
- Matlab Answers
- Learning MATLAB (Mathworks, external link)
- MATLAB newsletters (Mathworks, external link)
- MATLAB in academia (Mathworks, external link)
- Matlab Google discussion group (external link)
See also
Supplier information
Manufacturer: See more about Matlab at The MathWorks, Inc.
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