Aurical Plus - Kunnskapsbasen
Aurical Plus
Norsk versjon – Aurical Plus
Software information
The AURICAL Plus is a complete diagnostic and fitting system for hearing instrument testing and diagnostics, audiologic, programming and fitting. The AURICAL Plus includes special tests, two-channel audiometer, historical comparison, and historical comparison and HL/SPL audiometry. It has classic REM features along with coupler based fittings. The product has data and workflow integration capabilities such as electronic reporting, EMR, XML and NOAH.
License information
Volume license: Access limited and needs-tested volume agreement for a Dept./Faculty. Available only for employees, not students.
Used by MH Faculty (Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science). Contact an IT responsible at the Faculty/Dept. for details.
Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.
- From Software Center
Supplier information
Manufacturer: See more about Aurical Plus at NATUS
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