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Innsida help

A guide to Innsida for students and employees

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Innsida is NTNU's intranet for students and employees. Here you will find direct links to tools and systems that you use often in your everyday work. You can also read messages adapted to your role in the organisation.

Log in to Innsida at the top right under Menu.

Support and report bugs

Support and report bugs

Userguides for students

Userguides for students

Find useful content and tools:
Click For students in the menu.

Userguides for employees

Userguides for employees



  1. How do I switch between languages?
    Click on the flag located above this page's title. 
  2. Can I add external news-feeds in my news stream?
    Yes, but you can only enter predefined feeds, such as from Gemini, NTNU Nyheter and Khrono. You select these under Channel settings, in the left column on the Inside home page.
  3. How do I find english content?
    By search or by choosing For employees or For students in the menu. We have translated the majority of articles, but let us know if there is something you need.
  4. Is my profile page visible for people outside NTNU?
    If you are employed at NTNU, yes. If you are a student, the answer is no. Only NTNU users who are logged in can see student profile pages.  Find out more about your profile page.
  5. Why am I getting an error message when I try to log in?
    See this list of possible reasons.