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Whoops! Failed to sign on to Innsida!


Most likely reasons

  • Your user account was incompletely registered (missing an email address, for example).
  • Access to Innsida is no longer standard or automatic for your the affiliation type you have  
  • Your affiliation was active for only a very short period, and has expired.

Active affiliation required

Both students and staff must have an active affiliation to NTNU.

For students, this means that you must have an active right to study at NTNU and the semester fee for the current semester must be paid and registered. If you have newly activated your user account it can take up to 24 hours before you can access Innsida and other systems at NTNU. See page for new international students at NTNU.

Get assistance

If you are unable to log in, send email to

  1. Start your request/email with the subject: Innsida access.
  2. Include a brief description of what you tried, and the error messages you received.
  3. Include your name and username, and the department you are affiliated with.

Log on to Innsida goes via Feide, an authentification service delivered by Sikt.