STUDIER-chatbot (NTNU0828537 - II-3188,3143) --- DUPLIKAT ----- Bruk heller ID = 1318016711

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For students 

Exam course

Girl attending exam. Illustration.

Digital course: Ready for the exam?

What new students should know about the time before the exam, what happens on the exam day and what they can expect after the exam regarding assesment.

Take the course: Ready for the exam? 

Exams from A-Z

Exams from A-Z

Remember to:


Deadlines for registration:

Application form for delayed exam registration

Legitimate absence from exam 

Illnes during exam or other pressing reasons 

If you cannot take an examination due to illness or for other pressing reasons, you must apply for legitimate absence with documentation of you absence. You need to apply within 7 days after the exam date. Note that if you have an exam that spans over several days, the department may consider giving you an extended deadline. Contact the department responsible about this. If you submit by the deadline, you do not need to apply for a valid absence on the exam. 

Legitimate absence (other than illness) 

Legitimat absence may be granted on the basis of other reasons than illness. The following guidelines apply to legitimat absence.   

  • Exams at the same time - subjects that are part of the student's education plan and have an exam at the same time, will give a legitimate absence for the exam. 
  • Exams at the same time - where one or both subjects have already been passed (repetition) do not give a legitimate absence for the exam. 

Erasmus students who have an exam collision may have a legitimate absence from one of the subjects in order to be able to take the re-sit exam, even if they do not have an education plan. In the event of a collision of courses that run in both semesters, the student needs to withdraw from one course and register for the other course the following semester. 

Application form for legitimate absence due to exam collision

Note: Some study programmes may have exam registration deadlines that differs from the ordinary deadlines. Pay attention to information about your courses.


Cancel your exam registration

If you decide not to take the examination, you must cancel your registration in Studentweb, before the deadline.
If you don't cancel your registration by the deadline, it will be considered as an attempt to take the exam. You have limited attempts to resit an exam.


  • Ordinary exams: 14 days before the examination date/start date. You will find the exact date in Studentweb
  • Re-sit exams: 20 July


Special arrangements

If you have a health problem or a disability, you may be entitled to have special arrangements during your examinations. Deadlines for submitting an application for special arrangements: 

  • Autumn semester: 15 September
  • Spring semester and re-sit exams in August: 15 February


Compulsory assignments

Compulsory assignments must be approved before you can take the exam. Kindly contact your department if you have queries regarding this.

Assessment form and date

Find date, time and assessment form in Studentweb or on thecourse information page.

All written home assignments should, as a general rule, be submitted in the exam system Inspera Assessment. If you have a written school exam, it will vary whether it is held analogue (on paper) or digitally. If the exam is digital, it will be tagged with INSPERA on the course information pages and in Studentweb.


Permitted examination aids

Check permitted examinations aids for your course on the course information pages.


Guidelines for the various assessment forms

How you need to prepare for your exam, depends on the form of assessment.


Previous examinations

Search for "Gamle eksamensoppgaver" by course code (page in Norwegian)
Example "Gamle eksamensoppgaver TMA4135"

If you can't find what you're looking for, contact the department.


Do you need help to cope with the exam period?

Both NTNU Career and SiT can offer courses on study technique and exam preparations.


Find the date and place

Time and place for written school exams are published on Studentweb no later than three days before the exam. Please note that a course can be assigned to multiple rooms. Check carefully where you are seated.

See an overview of the exam locations at NTNU.

Note! If you can't find room information three days before the exam, the reason is usually because you are not registered with approved compulsory assignments. Contact your study advisor if you think it is a mistake. If that is resolved and you still have not been assigned a room, please contact the Examinations office (


Reading rooms

Reading rooms and study hall locations.

Additional reading room places (will be announced before the examination period).

Home exams

During an ongoing home exam, you must follow the information given on the cover page of the exam. See also the guidelines for home exams.

Find your room

See an overview of the exam locations at NTNU.



Analogue exam: Arrive at the exam location no later than 15 minutes before the exam starts.

Digital exam: Arrive at the exam location no later than 30 minutes before the exam starts.

Clarification: After the exams have commenced you will not be allowed entry.



Bring a photo identification which also includes date of birth (e.g. driver's license, bank card or passport). You must show this to the invigilators before you can sign the attendance list.


How to behave during the exam

All bags and personal belongings, including cell phones and other electronic equipment which can be used for communication (e.g. smart watches), must be placed at designated places in the examination room. Cell phones must be switched off.

During the examination, any communication between candidates is prohibited, both on and off the premises. You must not leave your seat without the invigilator's permission, and you must follow the invigilator's instructions.


Language in written assessments

You choose language/form of Norwegian (English, bokmål, nynorsk) when you register as a student on Studentweb. 

You will find which rules apply to the choice of language/form for written examination question papers and examination answer papers in section 5-8 of the Academic Regulations for NTNU (pdf).



On the wiki page Cheating on exams you can read about how cheating on exams is defined, and which consequences cheating/attempted cheating can have for you.



If you become ill during an exam, you must follow the current guidelines.


Availability of teaching staff

The teaching staff is not obligated to be available at the exam location, but are required to be available for questions if there are suspicions of errors/deficiencies in the question set. Contact an invigilator if you wish to contact the teaching staff.


Discontinue the exam

It is not permitted to leave the exam location during the first 60 minutes of the exam. This applies also if you wish to discontinue/withdraw from the exam, except in case of illness or other compelling reasons. Candidates who discontinue the exam must sign the candidate list before leaving the exam location. Discontinuing an exam counts as an exam attempt, and grants the candidate access to the re-sit exam, just as failing an exam.


Finishing the exam

You are responsible for making sure your exam answer is submitted. Notify an invigilator when you are ready to submit.

If your exam is digital, submit by clicking «Submit now». If you are submitting sheets for scanning, they must be handed to the invigilator. The sheets are normally available in your exam answer the following working day.

The answer sheets for analogue exams are two-ply. Submit the top sheet, keep the copy for yourself. All unused exam paper must be handed in. You are not permitted to take exam paper out of the exam location until you have submitted your exam answer.

See also: Procedures in the event of evacuation of the examination room, due
to fire alarm or similar (pdf).


  • You will find examination results on Studentweb
  • The examination result deadline is 15 working days*. The examination results are available in Studentweb for each individual course. Please note that:
    • The deadline for results for master's theses is 3 months after the submission deadline
    • If the assessment period includes moveable holidays, the dealine is extended by the corresponding number of days
    • The results shall be published no later than the first working day after the examination result deadline
  • Explanation of grades and appeals
  • Grading scale

*By "working day" is meant an actual working day, as opposed to a day off. Statutory holidays and public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays are not considered working days. Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve are also not considered working days. So-called "sandwiched days" are considered working days.

Exam answers

We encourage all students to after the exam control that the exam answer available in Archive in Inspera Assessment, is correct. If you think that something is missing, contact the Examinations office.

NB! For written school exams with scanned papers, it may take up to a couple of working days until all papers are scanned and available in Archive.

You are responsible for keeping your exam answers if you wish to do so. It is not required to file exam answers, and they are only kept for as long as it is necessary for administrative procedures. If you wish to save digital exam answers in Inspera Assessment, you must make sure to download them before your right to study expires, and you lose access to the IT systems at NTNU.


Transcripts and diplomas/certificates


Re-sit exam

Re-sit exams have the same form of assessment as the ordinary exam, unless otherwise specified in the course description.

Videos about digital exams

Videos about digital exams

Click on the image to watch each video.

YouTube video on how to take a digital exam at NTNU.
YouTube video on how to take a digital home exam at NTNU.


Deadlines for registration

Registration for exam - fall semester
Registration for exam - spring semester
Register to "re-sit" or re-schedule exams in week 32-33

NTNU in Trondheim

NTNU in Trondheim
(+47) 73 59 66 00

Telephone is serviced from 08.00-16.00 during exam periods (ordinary and postponed)

For visitors

Visiting address

Kalvskinnet campus, Akrinn
Sverres gate 12, 5. etg (T05.322)

Open by appointment. If you need to deliver something, use the mailbox outside the door.

Postal address

Eksamenskontoret NTNU
Postboks 8900
NO-7491 Trondheim

NTNU in Gjøvik - Studenttorget

NTNU in Gjøvik - Studenttorget
61 13 54 00

Visiting address

Studenttorget in the Gneis-building
NTNU in Gjøvik
Teknologiveien 22
NO-2815 Gjøvik

Postal address

NTNU i Gjøvik
Postboks 191
NO-2802 Gjøvik

NTNU in Ålesund

NTNU in Ålesund
73 59 50 00

Postal address

NTNU i Ålesund
Postboks 1517
NO-6025 Ålesund
Norway STUDIER-chatbot (NTNU0828537 - II-3188,3143) --- DUPLIKAT ----- Bruk heller ID = 1318016711