
Retaking a passed exam

You can retake an exam that you have already passed in order to improve you grade. På norsk: Gjentak av bestått eksamen

Topic page on exams | Pages tagged with exams

How do I improve my grade?

You can improve your grade for signing up for the ordinary exam in the course again. Please note that you can not retake a passed exam at the re-sit exams. If the final grade was made up of several contributions, all of the parts must be reevaluated.

The best grade obtained is the one that counts.

The deadlines for signing up for exams are

  • September 15 for the autumn semester.
  • February 1 for the spring semester.

How do I sign up to retake an exam I already passed?

You sign up for the exam in the same way as your other exams on Student web.

Remember the withdrawal deadline!

If you have signed up to retake an exam and have not withdrawn, this counts as an attempt at retaking the exam. If you withdraw during the exam, this also counts as an attempt at retaking the exam. Number of resits on the exam.

The withdrawal deadlines are:

  • 14 days before the examination date. You'll find the exact date in Studentweb.

Also see

Everything about exams

Number of resits on the exam

Re-sit examination

Student web