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Banner sifra student

Speak up!

For students (Se også: For employees)

Ingress sifra student

All students at NTNU should have a safe and engaging learning environment. At NTNU, we want you to speak up if you discover errors, experience unwanted incidents or see something that concerns you.

Accordion for Sifra student

Please report deficiencies regarding teaching, educational quality, and learning environment via the course reference group.

If that doesn't work, you can report a discrepancy here:

Report deviations in teaching and learning environment

See also:

Defects or deficiencies in buildings and rooms are reported to e-caretaker (e-vaktmester). These include:

  • ventilation
  • cleaning
  • lighting

Contact e-caretaker

See also: All about caretaker services for students

Non-compliance with information security and privacy occurs when the processing of information or personal data does not comply with laws, regulations or internal guidelines at NTNU.
Employees and students at NTNU have a duty to report non-compliance with information security and privacy. Examples include emails and attachments sent to the wrong recipient, unauthorized access, disclosure or publication of information to persons who should not have the information, missing routines, etc.

See also:

Report non-compliance with information security and privacy

For other digital security incidents, contact NTNU SOC

NTNU continuously works to ensure that our students have a safe and good working environment.

To contribute to this, it is important that you report a non-conformity if you are exposed to or witness:

  • Injuries and spills when using chemicals
  • Fire/fire outbreak
  • Obstacles in and blocked escape routes
  • Unacceptable behavior
  • Personal injury and work-related illness

Report non-conformity within health, environment and safety

When you report a HSE non-conformity, the incident is followed up, and routines and workflow can be improved to prevent the same thing from happening again.

See also: Health, environment and safety for students

NTNU wants you to report if you yourself experience, or suspect, bullying, harassment, discrimination or other serious conditions.

When you send a report, it goes to an external, neutral party outside NTNU. This party ensures that the report is followed up so that you as the whistleblower are taken care of.

Report serious and concerning issues

Se også:



Are you unsure? You can start with a non-binding chat with one of these: For students

For students

Varsle politi

If you are exposed to, or witness to a crime, contact the police.

Bilde av studenter

Tegnet illustrasjon av studenter som står på rekke og smiler vennlig.
Illustrasjon: Colourbox