
The student ombuds



On this page you will find information about the student ombuds at NTNU.

The purpose of the student ombuds is to contribute increased legal certainty for the students. The Student Ombudsman is an independent, neutral and confidential support person for students. Feel free to contact the student ombuds for an informal and non-binding chat if you have questions related to your study situation.

Norsk versjon - Studentombudet


Studentombud Lennart Soligard. Foto.

Note: Email is basically unencrypted, which means it may be possible for others to read the content. It is therefore advisable that requests containing sensitive information should preferably not be sent to the student ombuds by email, but by phone or by personal meeting by appointment.

Opening hours 

  • By phone: I am available by phone between 08 - 16 monday to friday
  • Drop-in office hours: every Wednesday and Thursday from 12:00 - 14:00: Realfagbygget D1-155.
  • NB: Drop in wedensday 15. january is cancelled
  • By appointment:  If you need to discuss your matter with me outside the drop-in hours, please give me a call or send me an email at

Stands on campus

The student ombuds has a stand once a month on several campuses at NTNU.

Up and coming stands:

  • Dragvoll: Next stand will be 15. january 2025.
    The student ombuds routinely have a stand by the stairs to the canteen between 11:30 - 13:30.
  • Ålesund: Next stand will be 21. january 2025
    The student ombuds routinely have a stand by the canteen in the main building, by the entrance open area between 10:00 - 12:00.
  • Gjøvik: The stand on 23. january 2025. The student ombuds routinely have a stand in the "open area" near the entrance in the main building (Gneis-building) between 11:00 - 13:00.
  • Relfagsbygget Gløshaugen: Next stand will be 13. january. The student ombuds routinely have a stand in the "open area" 1 floor near the entrance by the canteen  between 11:00 - 13:00.


Working tasks

  1. The student ombuds at NTNU shall be an independent assistant to the students concerning the students rights related to the Act of universities and university colleges (uhl.) and other legal regulations related to the students rights. The student ombuds activities shall mainly include matters relating to the "study situation" where a student experiences injustice. Study situation means the student's relationship with NTNU.
  2. The student ombuds will advise students on what they can and should do to safeguard their interests. The student ombuds will help to resolve matters closest to where they occur, that is at the lowest possible level in the organization.
  3. The student ombuds will ensure that the cases receive sound and correct treatment and focus on the students' rights and equal treatment.
  4. The student ombuds will act as a supplement to other routines and systems for supervision and follow-up and does not dissolve NTNU information and guidance duties.
  5. The student ombuds may carry out investigations on how the case has been processed.
  6. The student ombuds does not have the authority to settle matters nor is it the appeal body for matters that have been dealt with and settled by other entities or decision-making bodies at NTNU.
  7. The student ombuds can decide if he/she wants to assist a student in one case or not. The student ombuds shall always give a reason when the ombudsman refuses to assist in a matter. The rejection cannot be appealed.
  8. The student ombuds may take matters on his own initiative to ensure legal certainty for the students.
  9. Matters regarding for example Lånekassen or the student welfare organization (Studentersamskipnaden) falls outside the student ombudsman's duties. The student ombuds also does not handle professional questions that’s related to any subjects at NTNU. The student ombuds will not act as a lawyer for the student or take part/pick sides in a certain case or in a conflict between two parties.

Information and training

The student ombuds will actively inform about his/her function to NTNU students and to student elected representatives about the students' rights and duties.


Through annual reports the student ombuds shall report on his/her activities to the NTNUs principal.The annual report shall be submitted to LMU and NTNU's Board as an orientation case. The student ombuds shall inform the NTNUs principal on any serious issues or matters of principal importance. Annual reports can be found on the open page at (Norwegian only)

Confidentiality and access

  • The student ombuds has duty of secrecy pursuant to section §13 of the Public Administration Act concerning matters that are known to him/her through his/her work.
  • The student ombuds has only access to confidential information to the extent that the student concerned has given the consent.
  • Questions regarding access to cases at the student ombuds follow the rules in public law (Act 19 May 2006 on access to documents in public works).

Notification of critical matters

Students may notify the student ombuds of critical circumstances (e.g. offense, bullying, harassment, security violations) affecting the student's situation. Students can notify anonymously through the student ombuds. If the student wants confidentiality regarding who has notified, the student ombuds must note that it may be limited to what extent the case can be pursued.

