Health and safety - for students
HSE for students
For students (see this page for employees)
Hazardous work
If you are a student who is going to work in a laboratory or a workshop, it is very important that you familiarize yourself with NTNU's HSE regulations. Your faculty or department should be able to supply you with a copy.
- Laboratory and workshop handbook
- Material Safety Data Sheet database (requires log-on) | What are material safety data sheets?
More information if you work with:
- Chemicals and gases
- Radiation sources
- Human material
- Laboratory animals
- Soldering, welding, open flames (hot work)
Rooms and wastes
Especially for:
Students at the Faculty of Natural Sciences
Students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences:
Defrosting of cryo tubes (PDF) (in Norwegian)
Report a problem
- Damage or harm to people, the environment, a building or materials
- A dangerous situation or a near-accident
- Violence and/or threats
- Violations of regulations
- Recommendations for improvements related to health, safety and the environment
More about reporting problems and discrepancies
Student insurance
Overview of applicable insurance plans for students (in Norwegian)
If you are required to work in a potentially hazardous work environment, you have the same rights and responsibilities as an NTNU employee. The university and university college laws apply to all other situations.
Students' work environment -- rights and obligations (in Norwegian)
Pregnant students
Pregnant students who must work in potentially risky environments have the same rights and duties as employees. In other situations, the Regulations governing Universities and University Colleges (Universitets- og høyskoleloven) apply.
Forms and guidelines
See also:
- Health and wellness for students - psychological health, doctors, dentists, health clinics
- Exercise facilities and offerings (the student welfare organization)