Emergency help
Important telephone numbers in an emergency situation

Emergency plan contacts
NTNU: 800 80 388
NTNU security will call you from the number above.
- On call contact:
- Trondheim: 918 97 373 (24h)
- Gjøvik: 907 31 293 (Securitas - after hours)
- Ålesund: 02452 (Securitas - after hours)
- Electricity, ventilation, water etc.:
- Trondheim: 918 97 373 (24h)
- Gjøvik: custodian 907 41 983 during work hours, 907 31 293 (Securitas) after hours
- Ålesund: custodian 975 27 524 during work-day, 02452 (Securitas) after hours
- IT failure:
- Orakel Support Services: 73 59 15 00 (daytime)
- On-call IT phone: 918 97 100 (evening)
- See also: Emergency planning at NTNU
Cooperative organisations
- SINTEF: 73 55 50 00
- St. Olavs hospital (for situations where St. Olavs hospital is affected): 113
- SiT (Samskipnaden): 02347
- Trondheim municipality: 72 54 00 00 (daytime sentral switchboard), 110 (evening/night)
- Gjøvik municipality: 61 18 95 00 (daytime sentral switchboard), 110 (evening/night)
- Ålesund municipality: 70 16 20 00 (daytime sentral switchboard), 110 (evening/night)
- Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: +47 22 24 36 00/+47 23 95 00 00
- Sjømannskirken (Norwegian Church Abroad): +47 95 11 91 81
Emergency Clinic
- Common Emergency Clinic number: 116117
- Emergency clinic in Trondheim
- Emergency clinic in Gjøvik
- Emergency clinic in Ålesund
First Aid!
- Unconciousness, chemical exposures, wounds and more
- Poison control center: 22 59 13 00 (questions regarding poisoning)