

This page provides an overview of defibrillators on NTNU.

In Norwegian - Hjertestartere

Topic page on Emergencies

Jump to location:

1. Gløshaugen
2. Dragvoll
3. Trondheim
4. Gjøvik
5. Ålesund

icon meaning that access card is required = Requires access card. Daytime: Contact maintenance staff. Evening: Contact security staff: 918 97 373


Building  number Building Room number Locations with Automatic External Defibrillators Accessibility

Main building

  Service counter at the library, ground floor  
Main building
  Room 136: Communication Division, 1nd floor  
  Elektrobyggene   Room B 406:  Open 8:00-11:00 and 12:00-15:00. Requires access card
  Elektrobyggene   Room E 000:  Requires access card

E100 - Glass garden

  Elektrobyggene   Room G 100 B Ground floor  
  Høgskoleringen 3   Room 211. Avilable to emplyees and students at IEL  
  Høgskoleveien 12   Room 208, in the corridor  
  Internasjonalt hus/
International house
  Room 21: Open 8:00-15:00. Requires access card after 15:00
  Kjemiblokk 2   Room 130 in the hall  
  Gamle fysikk   Room 113 Requires access card
  Kjemi sydfløy   Room 111 outside the Janitor's office. Available for persons with access to Kjemiblokkene and the Natural Sciences Building (Realfagbygget)  
  Kjemiblokk 5   Room 106: Open 08:00-15:45 (15). Requires access card after 15:45
  Kolbjørn Hejes vei 1   Room B160. Open 08:00-15:45 (15). Requires access card after 15:45
  Sentralbygg 1  

Room 157A

  Sentralbygg 2  

7th floor, on wall by the elevator

13 floor, in hallway

  Bergbygget   A-S053 - in the corridor close to room E-S027  
  Bergbygget   Corridor 240

Room 1-140

Room 3-150

  Byggteknisk   Room 1-002  
Natural Sciences Building

Ved postboksenen i gangen (E1-001)

Natural Sciences Building
  Lower floor U3, corridor, close to room DU3-152  
Natural Sciences Building
  3rd floor, in the main corridor D3-020C  
  Driftssentralen   Room 216  
  Transport central   By the entrance, room 100. Requires access card
  Adolf Øien-bygget   In the corridor close to room 3037  
  Sports building Gløshaugen   By the reception  



Building number Building Room number Locations with Automatic External Defibrillators Accessibility
  Dragvoll   Building 2, level 5, room 2505  
  Dragvoll   Building 6, level 3, outside "Vakt og service", attached to wall by the elevator  
  Dragvoll    Building 9, level 5, room 9539, in the corridor  
  Sports building Dragvoll   At reception  
  Dragvoll Låven   2nd floor, to the right of the lift, by the stairs  



Building number Building Room number Locations with Automatic External Defibrillators Accessibility
  Kalvskinnet - Akrinn   Ground floor, placed between the elevators  

Kalvskinnet - Akrinn Øst

  2. etasje i gang
  Kalvskinnet - Gunnerus gate 1   5th floor, break room  
  Kalvskinnet - Schøninghuset   2. etg B204, next to the elevator
  Kalvskinnet - Schøninghuset   ground floor room 2.121
  Lysholmbygget   Ground floor, room BR.1.073, in the middle of the building, by the stairwell/elevator.  
  Suhmhuset   Room 120 (reception area)
  Gunnerushuset   A140, close to reception
  Gunnerushuset   2. etg A250, stairwells
  Ringve botaniske hage   Administration building, room 120
  Tungasletta 2   1st floor, between building A and B  
  Valgrinda 2000   Building 2, 2nd floor (3. etasje) by the entrance door to Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering  
  Materialtekniske laboratorier  

Building 308 room 3-160 in the canteen. Requires access card

Prøvehall 1-10. Requires access card

  Marinteknisk senter   Office building, 1st floor reception desk (near F2.124)  
  Olavskvartalet   Room 615, copy room, 5th floor. Requires access card
  Top-level sports at Granåsen   Level 3, in the corridor test laboratory  
  Øya: Fred Kavli building   4th floor North, Olav Kyrres gate 9. Outside reception, available for all during office hours.  
  Øya Helsehus   2nd floor outside room 026 and 7th floor by the door K02  
  Biological station, Heggdalen   Building 080 - Room 001  
  Jonsvannsveien 82 c, Moholt   Building C, 3rd floor  
  NTNU Sealab, Brattørkaia   Reception, 2nd floor  
  St Olavs, Akutten-hjerte-lunge senteret (AHL)  

1st floor, south, room: 343.01.039

3rd floor, south, room: 343.03.010

3rd floor south room: 343.03.012

  St Olavs, Akutten-hjerte-lunge senteret (AHL)   2nd floor, room 231.02.K03, by LG25  
  S. P. Andersens veg 15a  

Room 101B (PTS1 Hallbygg)

Room 205B (Petroleumsteknisk senter)




Building number Building Room number Locations with Automatic External Defibrillators Accessibility
  Building G   By the Student Centre  
  Building H   By auditorium Eureka  
  Smaragdbygget   Room S113, 1 floor  
  Beryllbygget   By elkraftlaboratoriet, room B 106  



Building number Building Room number Locations with Automatic External Defibrillators Accessibility
  Main building   By the expedition  
  Lab building   The east entrance, ground floor by the stairs  
   Kunnskapspark   By the main entrance, ground floor  


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