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For NTNU students


Kvinner hviler oppe i fjellet og ser ut over Cape Town
View of Cape Town. Photo: Marte Dybendal/NTNU

Application deadlines

Application deadlines

Expected case processing time for exchange applications is 4-8 weeks. 

How to apply for exchange

You should start planning your exchange semester as early as possible, preferably one year before you want to go. You need to have completed at least 60 ETCS credits at NTNU before going, and the subjects and/or practices you will take abroad must fit into your study plan at NTNU. You also need to check how the academic year is structured at the institution you wish to to go, and that the semester abroad will not overlap with obligatory activites in your study programme at NTNU.

Find a place to study abroad

If you participate in Erasmus+, read and get aquainted with the Erasmus Student Charter, which outlines your rights and duties before, during and after your stay.

See a detailed overview of the application process 

  • Stay tuned via email. All information about your application and exchange stay will be sent to your NTNU e-mail address. 
  • Do language preparations. Get aquanited with the local language, and check whether you will need to take a language test. 
  • Have you been admitted? The admission letter from the foreign institution must be uploaded in Mobility-Online. Afterwards, you will receive an offer for an exchange spot and any applicable stipends from NTNU.
  • Apply to Lånekassen. When you have accepted the offer for an exchange spot from NTNU, we will let the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen) know that you are going on exchange. Wait to apply for support from Lånekassen until you have gotten a confirmation from the Office of International Relations.
  • Check the rules for visa, vaccinations and insurance. Familiarize yourself with what rules apply for the country you are travelling to.
  • Find housing for your stay. Your host institution abroad will commonly be able to advise you on how to find housing.
  • Pay the semester fee and register for the semester as usual. You still need to be registered as a student at NTNU for the period you’ll be on exchange, but remember to withdraw from any exams you won’t be taking at NTNU while you’re abroad

If you wish to take one of your exams in Norway, you must contact your exchange institution and your department at NTNU to check if this is possible. For the most part, compelling reasons are needed in order to be granted this kind of facilitation. 

Mini calevent portlet

Infomøter og universitetsbesøk

Personal data

Personal data

When you apply for an exchange program from NTNU, we are required, as part of the application process, to share information about you with the partner institution abroad. Different institutions have varying requirements for information about the students they will host, so the type of information shared will vary. Most commonly, we need to share your name, contact information, field of study, and nationality with the institution abroad.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), NTNU strives at all times to handle personal data in the least intrusive manner possible.

If you have any questions about how NTNU safeguards your privacy when you apply for an exchange program, you can contact the Unit for International Relations.