
Application for exchange stay abroad

Application deadlines in Mobility-Online:

This page provides information for NTNU students for how to apply for an exchange stay abroad, internships/practical training or fieldwork abroad, grants that NTNU manages and pre-approval of courses.

In Norwegian: Søk om utveksling i utlandet

Back to the overview page on exhange studies

Note: If you parttake in the Erasmus+ programme, you must read and aquaint yourself with the Erasmus Student Charter before you go. The charter outlines your rights and duties before, during and after your stay as an Erasmus+ student.

How to apply

  1. Pre-approval of courses: Before you log into Mobility-Online and create an application, you must fill in a form for pre-approval of courses.
    • See advice on the best way to fill in the form. Do not wait for a confirmation of pre-approval after submitting, just proceed to the next step and apply through Mobility-Online.
  2. Apply through Mobility-Online: Please click on one of the links below according to your situation in order to access the application form (you will be asked to log in with Feide). After submitting the application, you will receive a personal login link by email.

    • Ordinary exchange (study exchange to an institution where NTNU has an exchange agreement)
    • Traineeship/practical training/field work. Please note that the application procedure for these categories is different from the one for ordinary exchange, in that it is your department who will approve the application. There might also be department specific routines for the application. Please contact your student adviser if you have any questions.
    • Study exchange without an NTNU agreement/freemover (studies at an institution where NTNU does not have an exchange agreement)
    • If you cannot find the correct institution in any of the other forms, please contact the Unit for International Relations via

      NB: You must use your NTNU student email (i.e. an email address in the following format: when filling in the application form. Otherwise, you will get an error message when submitting your application.

      Mobility-Online is a new system, and we therefore encourage you to submit your application in due time before the deadline. Should you encounter any problems along the way, please consult the FAQ on the wiki-page Mobility-Online for Students. If you don't find the solution there, please send us an email at the following address:

      1. You can list up to three places of study/traineeship in order of priority: Your 1st choice is the main choice that will be followed up, while choices 2 and 3 may be considered if your 1st choice is not possible.

      2. Uploading documents: Upload the form for pre-approval of courses in Mobility-Online. NB: It is not sufficient to click on the 'Submit form' button. You must save the form as a PDF file after completing it, and then upload it. In addition, you must upload course descriptions and any reading lists if the faculty/department needs these.

      3. Individual procedures at faculty, department and programme level:
      • Faculty of Humanities (HF): In addition to uploading the form for prior recognition of courses, you must email it to
      • Faculty of Architecture and Design (AD): In addition to uploading the form for prior recognition of courses, you must email it to
      • Faculty of Engineering (IV): See additional procedures for IV students (in Norwegian)
      • Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences (SU): In addition to uploading the form for prior recognition of courses, you must email it to
      • Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IE): See additional procedures for IE students (in Norwegian)
      • Health and social work students who are to do traineeships abroad: It is only possible to apply to education institutions and traineeship organizations that your programme of study has entered into an agreement with, and you must upload the form for pre-approval of the exchange/traineeship.

1. You cannot alter your application after the application deadline has passed.
2. You must have uploaded the pre-approval form for courses before the application deadline.

After you have applied in Mobility-Online

  1. You will receive an email confirming that we have received your application immediately after you have submitted it. This email will be sent from the address, and it will contain information about your log-on credentials for the Mobility-Online platform.
  2. If you have applied to travel to an institution with an exchange agreement with NTNU, you will receive an email from the NTNU Unit for International Relations about 4 to 8 weeks after the application deadline with information about what you need to do in relation to the institution abroad. Note that in some cases it may take longer before you receive an email, but your exchange adviser will make sure that you receive a response in time to meet the host university’s internal deadline.
  3. If you have applied to travel to an institution/traineeship organization where NTNU does not have an agreement, you are responsible for applying directly to the university or organization. Here, you must comply with the host university's requirements for documentation and deadlines. The NTNU Unit for International Relations cannot follow up on the individual’s application process.
  4. Upload confirmation of admission or any other documentation on admission from the education institution abroad in Mobility-Online as soon as you have it. In most cases, confirmation of admission from the institution abroad will be sent directly to you. If the confirmation of admission is sent to your international coordinator, you will be notified of this.
  5. You will receive an email if you are awarded one of the grants that NTNU manages some time after you have uploaded the confirmation of admission in Mobility-Online.
  6. Withdraw your application? If you want to withdraw your application, you can do this yourself in Mobility-Online until the deadline. If the application deadline has expired, please send an email to immediately in order to withdraw it. You should also inform the coordinator at your programme of study, department or faculty.

Please note: You can withdraw, but not change, your application once the deadline has passed.

Also, remember to find out whether you need a visa, vaccines and insurance.


Contact an international exchange adviser as needed