
Exchange studies advisors

Advisors and counseling possibilities for outgoing exchange students from NTNU.

The information on this page is for students going on exchange abroad from NTNU. Exchange students coming to NTNU from abroad can find information and correct contact information here or here.

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Contact the Unit for International Relations

Students with questions about going exchange abroad can also contact the Unit for International Relations at

In order to get a swift response, you should include the following keywords in the e-mail:

  • What country you want to exchange to. If you are considering multiple countries, mention all of them.
  • If you are studying in Gjøvik or Ålesund, please write so. Also see contact information for the International Offices in Gjøvik and Ålesund below.
  • If you have questions about Erasmus+ scholarships, please write 'Erasmus+ scholarship'
  • If your inquiry is about certified copies of documentation, write 'Certified copy'

You may write the keywords in either the e-mail title or the e-mail itself.

Counseling from the Unit for International Relations (Trondheim)

Students in particular need of guidance regarding their exchange abroad can book a counselling session with advisors at the Unit for International Relations, at Gløshaugen Campus. Due to high demand, individual counselling sessions cannot be guaranteed for all students. Students are encouraged to attend, or watch recordings of, joint information meetings on exchange, read the Innsida wiki pages and book counselling with the advisor at the study programme/department.

You can book an appointment at the Unit for International Relations via MS Teams or telephone

This service is NTNU degree students who are planning exchange abroad - not students coming to NTNU from abroad.

Book counseling session here

  • One guidance appointment lasts 15 minutes
  • You can only book one appointment at a time

Advisors in Gjøvik

  • Giampolo Tovo
    • Department of design, Gjøvik division (ID)
    • Department of industrial economics and technology management (IØT)
  • Mina Stolpe Foss
    • Department of information security and communications technology (IIK)
    • Department of computer science (IDI)
    • Department of manufacturing and civil engineering (IVB)
    • Department of electronic systems (IES)
    • Department of health sciences Gjøvik (IHG)

Advisors in Ålesund

  • Linda Helén Høøk Skuggen
    • Department of biological sciences Ålesund (IBA)
    • Department of health sciences in Ålesund (IHA)
    • Department of international business (IIF)
    • Department of ocean operations and civil engineering (IHB)
    • Department of ICT and natural sciences (IIR)

Online presentations

The Unit for International Relations will publish presentations online for some countries and universities. You can see the presentations here.


Visits from partner universities

Our partner universities will from time to time visit NTNU and have presentations and information meetings for potential exchange students. You can sign up for the exchange studies information channel on innsida: Utenlandsstudier: delstudier i utlandet for information on upcoming visits and their respective times. We will also publish planned visits below:

Planned partner visits:

  • No planned partner visits at this time