
Financing for exchange studies

Information regarding scholarships and grants that could be viable for students planning to go on an exchange stay abroad.

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Exchange scholarships managed by NTNU

Many participants in exchange schemes will receive one of the grants that NTNU manages: NTNU or Erasmus scholarships.

  • You do not need to apply for these scholarships; you will automatically be considered after you have submitted an application for exchange through Søknadsweb
  • Students planning professional practice/internship abroad must have applied within the deadline to be considered for scholarships
  • The scholarship is in addition to funding from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen)

Funding from Norway’s Loan Fund (Lånekassen)

The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen) has good support schemes for funding of exchange visits, sometimes also for foreign students:

Green Erasmus

Are you exchanging to Europe? If so, you can apply to have your travel expenses covered if you travel in an environmentally friendly way. Read more about  Green Travel Support / Green Erasmus  here

Other scholarships, grants and endowments

There are many opportunities to apply for various sholarships, grants and endowments (cash donations). Some depend on geographical location, some are available for a specific field of study, and others are open to all. Here is a list of some grants and scholarships that may be relevant.

Funding of adaptations for special needs

If you need adaptations or support services, an additional grant may also be paid during the period of study abroad.
