Student guidance - Kunnskapsbasen
Student guidance
Overview for employees for finding student advisers at other faculties and departments.
Norsk versjon - studieveiledning
Innholdsfortegnelse [-]
For students
See topic page on student guidance for general information and how to find your student adviser.
Student advisors at the faculties
Note: some of the following links all lead to pages in Norwegian, but the names and contact information for student advisers in the different disciplines should be clear, even if you are unable to read Norwegian.
- Faculty of Architecture and Design
- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Faculty of Humanities (in Norwegian)
- Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences
- Faculty of Economics and Management (in Norwegian)
- NTNU in Gjøvik
- NTNU in Ålesund