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banner romreservasjon for studenter

Book rooms

For students and employees

Students and employees can book lecture rooms through the room booking system as soon as the lecture schedules are finalized.

Booking and contact information

Log on the room reservation system:

Make a room reservation

See room bookings 

Generell informasjon - Romsreservasjon

Generell informasjon

Som ansatt eller student ved NTNU kan du reservere undervisningsrom og grupperom til aktiviteter som er knyttet til NTNU. Romreservasjon kan skje først når timeplanen er ferdig i juni/desember.

Rom kan reserveres alle dager mellom 8-23, unntatt helligdager. Noen rom er unntatt med begrensninger på tilgjengelighet og åpningstid. 


  • Rom som er reservert i rombestilling skal tas i bruk innen 15 minutter fra bestilt tid, etter det kan rommet tas i bruk av andre. 
  • Husk å avbestille rom som ikke skal brukes. Du avbestiller rom i romreservasjonssystemet under «Vis mine bestillinger»


Guidelines for room booking

Guidelines for room booking

Guidelines for employees

Employees can book lecture halls for the semester when room booking opens, after the schedule has been fixed. The booking will be automatically approved. A list of all your bookings can be found under "Show my bookings" in the booking system.

Scheduled activities are not to be booked in the booking system. For more information, see under "Scheduled classes".

Rooms that are not available through the booking system, or bookings that are not going to be held in the current semester (conferences), must be reserved in NTNU Hjelp. Include information about purpose, time and place. The order will be concidered according to the purpose

Meeting room reservation

Employees can use the Outlook calendar service to book meeting rooms.

Scheduled classes

Contact the department's student adviser or NTNU Hjelp to change or cancel a scheduled activity.  This is important to ensure that the schedule is displayed correctly and to liberate resources that will not be used.

Use the Online Course Planner to register your needs for the upcoming school year. Deadlines: 1 March (autumn semester) and 1 September (spring semester).

The schedule is published approx. 15 June and 1 December.

Reservation of computer halls

Computer halls can only be booked for teaching and by employees.

Conference venues

Booking of concerences that are not going to be held in the current semester and are not yet open in the booking system can be sent to NTNU Hjelp. A reply will not be available until the schedule for that semester is fixed. If the conference dates are outside of the lecture and exam periods replies can be received earlier.

Find and book a conference venue

How to organize a conference

Guidelines for students

Students can book group rooms and small lecture halls through the booking system.


  • Students can book rooms 2 weeks in advance
  • Students can book rooms for up to 4 hours per booking and max 8 bookings within a 2-week period. 
  • Reading rooms and group rooms in the library can only be used in the library opening hours and have separate guidelines.
  • Computer halls can only be booked by employees.

Study halls, reading rooms and computer halls

Find study halls, reading rooms and computer halls on your campus.

Lower-degree reading rooms can be used by all students. Extra reading rooms will be announced at the overview page right before exams.

Computer halls can be used as long as they are not used for classes.

Other rooms

Teaching rooms that are not available for students through the booking system can be booked in NTNU Hjelp. Include information about purpose, time and place. The order will be concidered according to the purpose.

NTNU Linjeforeninger and student organizations

Linjeforeninger and other student organizations that need to book rooms for their activities must apply in NTNU Hjelp. Include information about purpose, time and place. The order will be concidered according to the purpose. The reservation will not be included in the student's quota.

Student events

Guidelines for booking of rooms for large daytime events during the semester:

  • If available you can book the desired room through the booking system.
  • If you wish to book a room that has already been booked for scheduled activities, please contact the lecturer for a possible swap. A swap requires that an equal room is available.
  • When a swap has been agreed, please send information about the swap to NTNU Hjelp.

External partners book rooms at Bookings will be concidered according to the purpose and requires approval. The purpose must be related to NTNUs core activities.

Who can book a room?

  • Subcontractors
  • Sit
  • Sintef
  • Other organizations with ties to NTNU

NTNU does not let rooms to other parties.

Regulations for use and booking of NTNU's rooms 

As a user of NTNU's rooms you are expected to have read the rules for using rooms

  • Anyone who books a room is responsible for using the room in the manner described in the reservation.
  • The person who booked the room should be present when the room is being used.
  • Rooms that have been used under this system should be ready to be locked no later than 24.00.

During the semester, checks will be made to ensure that the rooms are being used for the purpose they were reserved for and according to the guidelines.

Book a room via the calendar (employees only)

Book a room via the calendar (employees only)

Employees normally book meeting rooms through the Outlook calendar.


Contact us

Questions regarding room reservations? 

NTNU Hjelp