
Collecting data for course schedules

Norsk versjon - Innhenting av timeplandata

 Log in TP: Basedata

What is TP: Basedata?

NTNU uses TP to schedule courses and exams. TP: Basedata is a module in TP and will be used by lecturers and the institutes to report data needed to plan the course schedules, which are then planned by the Academic Administrative Division.

Some faculties and institutes plan their course schedules locally and keep their own guidelines as to how the data needed should be reported to them. For the time being, TP: Basedata will only be used by those who previously used EpN to report the course schedule data.

Your role in TP decides what access you are granted in TP: Basedata.

  • Reporting course schedule data – all employees at NTNU
  • Confirming course schedule data – course schedule planner in TP (administrative staff)

What is course schedule data?

Course schedule data is information about what kind of teaching a course will have, the duration of each activity, who is expected to attend the activities (students and lecturers), and possibly demands and wishes for certain equipment and/or room specifications. In your role as a lecturer or administrative staff at the department you will report the data for what will be planned for the course schedule. TP will in its turn, ensure that the classrooms and lecturers are distributed correctly, and allow the students to have course schedules that are free of collisions.

Course list

When you log in to TP: Basedata you will automatically get a list of the courses that belong to the department where you are employed. This overview will currently show both autumn and spring courses. Data should only be submitted for courses that will be taught in the given semester.


  • Course schedule data for the autumn semester: 1st of March
  • Course schedule data for the spring semester: 1st of September

User guidelines

You will find user guidelines here (currently only available in Norwegian):


You will find a contact form for user support at NTNU Hjelp.

Useful links

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