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Research Data

For employees

hva er research data @ntnu

What is Research Data @NTNU?

  • a central support service for research data
  • a service for researchers and students at NTNU
  • a contact point for faculties and institutes at NTNU
  • a collaboration between the University Library and NTNU IT

More about open science at NTNU

logo: research data @ntnu


design element, icon, data management NTNU requires good research data management

Research data at NTNU should be managed according to best practice and be as open as possible and as closed as necessary. Data containing personal information must be processed according to GDPR and NTNU guidelines.

design element, icon, data management plan Data Management Plan (DMP)

All research projects at NTNU should develop a Data Management Plan describing how the research data will be managed.


deign element, icon, open research data NTNU Open Research Data

Research data at NTNU can be published and shared openly in our repository for research data, part of DataverseNO.


Data Management

Data Management

Already existing data could be of use in your research project.

Here are some resources and databases where you can search for data:

 It is also possible request access to several different public databases and registries:

If you use existing data, it is important to cite the data set. for an example of how to do this, see advice from DataCite.

All research projects at NTNU should develop a data management plan.

If your research data includes personal data, you should as a default report you project to Sikt. For more information:

NTNU-adapted guidance to the Science Europe template in DMPOnline can be found here.

Certain requirements apply to processing of personal data in research projects.
For an overview of relevant regulations and guidelines, se Collection of personal data for research projects.

A risk assessment must be performed before the processing of personal data can begin. For template and more information, se Risk assessment of research projects with personal data.

All student- and research projects processing personal data must send a notification to Sikt (the only exception is health research projects at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences). Link to the notification form can be found at the Sikt website. Medical and health research projects must also be approved by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK) before the project is initiated.

Feel free to take a look at our online course on personal data in research projects.

NTNUs storage guide provides information on storage solutions for research data, meeting various need for security, collaboration and accessibility.

The data collection guide gives an overview of digital tools that are recommended when recording sound and video, for example when doing interviews.

nyttig selvhjelp og kontakt

Useful resources



If you cannot find the information you are looking for, contact Research Data @NTNU through NTNU Hjelp. External users can send an email to (if you have an NTNU user account your request will be handled in the NTNU Hjelp portal).