Exchange studies within the EU - Kunnskapsbasen
Exchange studies within the EU
Erasmus+ is EU's programme for exchange studies. Students exchanging through Erasmus+ may receive valuable scholarships and study abroad with no tuition fee.
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Erasmus+ is EU's programme for exchange and cooperation in higher education. Students enrolled as Erasmus participants do not pay any tuition fees at the receiving university, and are also eligible for other scholarships and grants.
You can be an Erasmus student for 3-12 months per degree you take at NTNU. Often there are good possibilities for taking courses in English, even in countries that do not have english as a first language.
Benefits of exchange studies as an Erasmus student
- Avoid time consuming and costly application procedures, and also be exempted from tuition fees abroad.
- Receive an Erasmus scholarship i addition to the ordinary student loans available to you. The scholarship amount varies depending on your destination university.
- Receive offers of language courses welcome arrangements from the hosting university.
- Get help finding accommodation
Erasmus scholarship
The very generous Erasmus scholarship is available to students exchanging within the Erasmus programme. This scholarship comes in addition to any loans and scholarships offered by the State Educational Loan fund, if you are eligible for it. Read more about exchange scholarships administered by NTNU.
Arrival confirmation
After arriving at the hosting university we ask you to upload your arrival confirmation. Click this link to upload.
You can either use NTNU's template (available here) or an arrival confirmation your hosting university provides for you. Make sure the arrival confirmation contains your full name, date of birth and name of the hosting university before it is stamped and submitted.
Learning Agreement
All Erasmus students are issued a Learning Agreement before departing. This is a document that describes which courses you are going to take at the hosting university.
Course changes after arriving abroad
If a need to change your planned courses arises during your stay abroad, you will have to submit this form and describe the changes (docx). You must submit this form to your NTNU faculty.
Changes in planned courses can be done together with the international office at the hosting institution; normally you will have received information on how this is done when arriving. You can add and remove courses, but do keep in mind that changes that you make must be cleared with the hosting university and your faculty at NTNU. You will only be guaranteed that your new courses will be accepted as a part of your NTNU degree when you receive a formal approval of the changes from your faculty.
You will receive a transcript from the hosting university upon completing the exam. Submit this to your faculty when returning back to Norway. Note: Part 3 of the Learning Agreement will not be used.
Departure Confirmation
All Erasmus students must get a signed Departure Confirmation at the end of their exchange stay. This document must be signed at the hosting institution and sent to one of our case handlers at the international office at NTNU. The document is necessary to fulfil the terms of your Erasmus agreement and receive the remaining payout. Other documentation that shows the end date of your Erasmus exhange can also be accepted.
Language scholarship
If you are taking subjects and language courses abroad in another language than English, this can also make you eligible for extra grants from the State Educational Loan Fund. This requires that you already are eligible to receive support from the State Educational Loan Fund for your education here in Norway. See the page on language preparation for exchange studies abroad.
Where can I go?
Specific information on the different countries, academic calendars, credit points and more can be found in our EU-country information page.
In our agreement database you can search for educational institutions abroad that NTNU has a cooperation agreement with. You can for instance get an overview of NTNU's agreements within Erasmus+ by using the search word "Erasmus".
Santander Group - en Erasmus network for NTNU students
Santander Group is a european university network are working towards increased student mobility. NTNU is a member of this network, and it makes it possible for NTNU students to apply for any of the courses and subjects that are available at the participating universities. Exchange to one of the Santander Group universities can be financed through the Erasmus+ programme.
T.I.M.E Programme
The T.I.M.E. Programme gives students enrolled in civil engineering the possibility to obtain a master's degree from NTNU as well as a master's degree from a partner university abroad. This partner university must be a member of the T.I.M.E Network and there must be an agreement in place between the university and NTNU.
Application deadlines
Special needs accommodation
If you have needs for special accommodation abroad you can see this page for more information.
Erasmus Student Charter
Your rights as an Erasmus student is outlined in the Erasmus Student Charter. Download in English here.
If you have any questions or need guidance on exchange studies in EU-countries you can get it touch with one of the counsellors at the international office.