
Country information within the EU

20.2.20 Under construction

On this page you will find information on several european countries that NTNU has exchange agreements with. Norwegian version here.

Find the topic overview page on "exchange studies" here. [LINK]

On this page you will find information on several european countries that NTNU has exchange agreements with. The page will provide general information on exchanging to the different countries, and also information on academic celandars, grading structure and credit systems.

A growing number of institutions offer subjects in English - read more here


Academic calendar

Autumn semester: end of September - end of January.

Spring semester: February - June.

Grading structure

The grading structure in Flandern and Vallonia follow the European Bachelor and Master's structure

Credit system

ECTS credits (European Transfer System) is the standard in Belgium. 1 ECTS equals 1 Norwegian credit or "studiepoeng".


In Flemish universities, the dutch language is the standard language of instruction, but many master's degrees are offered in English. At Walloon universities most of the courses are taught in French. Dutch is closely related to Norwegian, so proficiency in Norwegian will help you learn the local language. The universities KU Leuven and Gent are rated among the top 50 universities in Europe (Times Higher Education: KU Leuven 13, Gent 32)

Useful links


Academic calendar

Autumn semester: September - January

Spring semester: mid-January or February - May/June

When exchanging to France it is usual to stay a whole year or only the spring semester. Taking only the autumn semester might prove diffucult with regards to taking exams at the same time as NTNU's spring semester starts. (This does not apply to all universities, so if you are considering exchanging only the autumn semester, do check to see if exam dates coincides with NTNU curriculum).

Grading structure

At the universities in France the Bologna Treaty, which in France is referred to at the LMD-reform - Licence, Maîtrise, Doctorate - is largely in effect. This means a Bachelor's degree (Licence) equals 180 Norwegian "Studiepoeng", and a Master's degree equals 120. In addition, France is known for its colleges or "Grandes Ecoles" with high academic quality. These use a system of two years preliminary studies (Classes Preparatoires) followed by study years 1, 2 and 3. Year 1 will correspond to the third year of a Bachelor's degree in Norway. Years 2 and 3 will correspond to a Master's degree, and exchange students normally choose subjects from year 2. These schools offer different Master's programmes, where the most common is "Diplôme d’Ingénieur", the French Master's degree in engineering. Furthermore there are numerous specialized educations at different Ecoles Superieures.

Credit system

ECTS credits (European Transfer System) is the standard in France. 1 ECTS equals 1 Norwegian credit or "studiepoeng".


The language of instruction in France is French. An increasign amount of Master's programmes are, however, offered in English. Some educational institutions also offer a range of subjects in English, or offer the curriculum and exams in English. Finding summer courses to learn French is quite easy. NTNU also offers courses in the French language that are useful for preparation. The courses often consists of smaller modules than in Norway, and it is not unusual to find subjects that only give 2,5 - 3 ECTS credits. 

Housing support / CAF

As a student in France you are eligible to apply for CAF, Caisse d’allocation familiale, for a monthly sum for housing. Institutions that have cooperative agreements with NTNU can help you with more information on this after you arrive. 


Academic calendar

Autumn semester: September/October - January/February

Spring semester: February - July

Grading Structure

Most institutions of education adhere to the Bachelor's and Master's system. In some cases the old structure "Corsi di Laurea" is still in use.

Credit system

ECTS credits (European Transfer System) is the standard in France. 1 ECTS equals 1 Norwegian credit or "studiepoeng".


The main language of instruction is Italian, but several of NTNU's partner institutions offer Master's and Bachelor's programmes in English, usually in technology and economics. NTNU offers Italian language courses and Italy has a good offering of summer language courses. 

The Netherlands

Academic calendar

Autum semester: September - January.

Spring semester: February - July. Some universities divide each semester in two (i.e. TU Delft), where each part has its own exam.

Grading Structure

Bachelor's and Master's programmes. Most Master's programmes in the sciences and engineering are of two year duration. 

Credit system

ECTS credits (European Transfer System) is the standard in France. 1 ECTS equals 1 Norwegian credit or "studiepoeng".

NB: At some institutions some semesters are divided in two separate periods with an exam in each. This results in some courses giving a lower credit score. Most educational institutions have good web pages with proper information on this. 


English is largely used at Dutch universities. Several universities offer all Master's programmes in English, and Bachelor's degrees will also sometimes be available in English. You should still consider the opportunity to learn Dutch while you are there - it has several similarities to Norwegian. 

Useful links


Academic calendar

Autum semester: September - January.

Spring semester: February - July.

Grading structure

Follows the Bachelor's/Master's degree system. (Bachelor = 180 - 240 ECTS, Master = 90 - 120 ECTS)

Credit system

ECTS credits (European Transfer System) is the standard in Poland. 1 ECTS equals 1 Norwegian credit or "studiepoeng".


More than 400 programmes of study are offered in English, see Study in Poland.


Academic calendar

Autumn semester: Mid/end of Sempteber - January. NB: Exams for the autumn semester often take place in February.

Spring semester: February/early March - June. 

When exchanging to Portugal it is usual to stay a whole year or only the spring semester. Taking only the autumn semester might prove diffucult with regards to taking exams at the same time as NTNU's spring semester starts.

Grading structure

Universities in Portugal offer three or four year Bachelor's programmes (Licenciatura), although Bachelor's degrees at polytechnical universities take three years. Master's degrees last two years and amount to 90 - 120 Credits or Norwegian "studiepoeng".

Credit system

ECTS credits (European Transfer System) is the standard in Portugal. 1 ECTS equals 1 Norwegian credit or "studiepoeng".


The language of instruction in Portugal is mainly Portuguese. Increasingly, Master's programmes are offered in English. Several institutions of education offer subjects in english or offer corriculum and exams in English. It is quite easy to find summer language courses to learn Portuguese.

Useful links


Academic calendar

Autumn semester: September/October - January

Spring semester: February - June

Grading structure

Bachelor's degrees in Spain are of four or five years duration; "Grado" and "Licenciado". A Master's degree is called "Máster" and usually takes one year in addition. Spain is working to adjust its grading system to adhere to the European Bachelor's/Master's standard. 

Credit system

ECTS-credits (European Credit Transfer System) is the standard in Spain, but be aware that some institutions of education use their own point systems and ECTS simultaneously. 1 ECTS equals 1 Norwegian "studiepoeng". 1 credito equals 10 hours of education, and it is common to take between 60 and 90 creditos per academic year, usually 75. 


Instruction is largely in the Spanish language, but Master's degrees in English are becoming more common. Some institutions of education also offer several single subjects in English or offer curriculum and exams in English. Finding a summer course to learn Spanish is quite easy. NTNU also offers courses in Spanish that are useful for preparing. Be aware that instruction in Cataluña (e.g. Barcelona) is largely offered in Catalan, in addition to Spanish and English.  Major parts of the instruction in the Basque Country/Pais Vasco is in Baque language, while the same goes for Galisic language in Galicia. Valencian, which is largely spoken in Valencia is, on the contrary, not an official language of education, so here all instruction is in Spanish. In cases where the instruction is given in regional language it is normally up to the professor which language they choose to teach in. Usually, all written assignments and exams can be submitted in Spanish. 

Useful links

Great Britain 

Academic calendar

Autumn semester: Mid/end of September - Desember. NB: Some institutions have exams in January.

Spring semester: Mid January - end of May

When exchanging to Great Britain it is usual to stay a whole year or only the spring semester. Taking only the autumn semester might prove difficult with regards to taking exams at the same time as NTNU's spring semester starts (does not apply to all institutions, check exam dates and duration of semester of your institution of choice).

Grading structure

The grading structure in England and Scotland differ, and this is crucial for selecting your exchange period. 

  • Bachelor's degree in England, Wales and Northern-Ireland: 3 years
  • Bachelor's degree in Scotland: 4 years
  • Postgraduate equals Master's degree. Duration: 12 months eller more (taught/research Master)
  • Postgraduate diploma/certificates duration: 9 months (without Master's paper)

Different Agreements

As opposed to the rest of Europe, there has been little tradition for signing Erasmus agreements at British institutions of education. NTNU does have some Erasmus agreements with British institutions, and you will find these in the Agreement Database [LINK]. These agreements are often limited to only one student per semester or per year. In addition to Erasmus agreements, NTNU has several agreements with British universities; so-called Study Abroad Agreements [LINK]. These agreements enable students from NTNU to exchange for a semester or a full year, but will incur tuition fees, albeit at a 15% to 20% reduction in cost. Going as a Study Abroad student also makes you eligible for a NTNU scholarship for your stay. To apply for such a reduction in tuition cost and scholarship, your application has to go through the International Office 

Going outside of an agreement

It is not unusual to exchange to Great Britain outside of an exchange agreement. Most institutions of education accept students either as Study Abroad students, or independent students, at full tuition cost. 

Credit system

60 ECTS equals 60 Norwegian "studiepoeng"

120 credits = 60 Norwegian "studiepoeng"

Other modes of calculating study credits can also occur, see our list for updated information. (search using your browsers "find" function) 

Application procedures

Students applying to insitutions NTNU has agreements with (Erasmus or Study Abroad) receive information from the international office on how to apply directly to the institution of education. Students wanting to apply to an institution without such an agreement must check the institutions application deadlines and procedures themselves. 

Usual application attachments are: 

  • Personal statement/Letter of purpose; A letter describing your motivation for studying at the institution, usually about 500 words.
  • One or two letters of recommendation

Tuition fee

You will only receive full tuition coverage if you exchange as an Erasmus student, to an institution with an Erasmus agreement. Students exhcanging via a Study Abroad agreement will receive a tuition fee discount of 10% - 20%, depending on the agreement details. Students exchanging outside of these agreements will have to pay the full tuition fee.


Usually, in Great Britain, there will be no language proficiency tests if you exchange through one of our agreements. A certified copy of your secondary education diploma with a grade of 4 or better in English is normally enough. For institutions outside of our agreements, this will vary.

The Czech Republic

Academic calendar

Autumn semester: Mid September - February

Spring semester: February -July

Grading structure 

Follows the European Bachelor's/Master's structure

Credit system

ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System) is the standard in the Czech Republic. 1 ECTS equals 1 Norwegian "studiepoeng".


Because the Czech language is among the languages that require a lot of preparation, the Czech institutions of education have extensive offerings instructed in English. 

Useful links


Academic calendar

Autumn semester: Mid October - mid February

Spring semester: Early April - early August (German institutions usually arrange exams such that students from Norway can take them before returning)

When exchanging to Germany it is usual to stay a whole year or only the spring semester. Taking only the autumn semester might prove difficult with regards to the way the semesters are divided. 

Grading structure

The new standard in Germany follows the European Bachelor's/Master's structure. Several institutions of education are, however, in a process of moving away from the old structure. "Diplomstudiengang" is still in use in some cases, and if there is a reference to "Haupstudium", this equals Master's level. 

Credit system

ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System) is increasingly becoming the standard. 1 ECTS equals 1 Norwegian "studiepoeng". Terms used in some cases are: LP (Leistungspunkte) which equals ECTS credits. If "SWS" is mentioned, this only refers to the amount of hours per study week, and  is not the same as credit points. 


Increasing amounts of Master's degree programmes are offered in English. Some institutions also offer single subjects in English, as well as the curriculum and exams. Finding a German language summer course is easy. NTNU also offers courses in German, useful for preparing for an exchange. 

The amount of credits received per subject can vary a great deal, so do some research on each course you wish to attend. Course descriptions can be found in so-called "Modulhandbücher", "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" or "Lehrangebot". 

Useful Links


Academic calendar

Autumn semester: October - January.

Spring semester: March - July.

Grading structure

Austria follows the European Bachelor's/Master's structure.

Credit system

ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System) is the standard in Austria.


The language of instruction is German, but many programmes offer instruction in English. See the Study in Austria web page to find out more.

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