
Safety data sheets

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NTNU's substance index is a digital archive that contains safety data sheets and information sheets for health-hazardous chemicals and biological factors.

Norsk versjon - Stoffkartotek

NTNU uses Workplace Safety from Netpower as a substance index.

New Chemical index from 10 June 2024

On 10 June 2024, NTNU switched from Chemical Manager (EcoOnline) to Workplace Safety (Netpower). All locations with associated safety data sheets have been transferred to the new Chemical index. In the new Chemical index, standard read access will be restricted to the individual faculty. Those who had extended rights in the old Chemical index (read/write) still have these rights in the new Chemical index.

The new Chemical index contains a module for exposure registration and registration will start there from 10 June 2024. See also Exposure index.

Chemical index login

knapp Log on to the Chemical index

To log in to the Chemical index outside NTNU's network, you must use VPN.


Courses and training

We recommend that all users complete a basic digital course in using the Chemical index:

After logging in, you will find the functions in the fabric catalog in the menu on the left. By holding the mouse pointer over the various icons, an explanation of what they contain will appear. To the right of the screen there are short training videos, which show individual work operations in the material catalog.


Default read access

  • When you log in, you will by default have read access to the organizational unit you belong to (Faculty or Department). Contact the "superuser" at your unit if you need write/editing access (see Contact).

Read/write access:

  • Can add safety data sheets from global database to own locations. Can edit locations and sub-locations in own unit.

Super User

  • Has access to everything except administrator functions. Superuser can see who has read/write access in their own unit (Faculty or Department). Can assign read/write access to read users in their own unit. Can generate reports from the Exposure index, but not reports with national ID numbers. Access is limited to the own unit (Faculty or Department). Change of superuser, possibly establishment of a new superuser as well as the need for access across Faculties should be reported to


  • Chemical index manager. Access to all locations and functions in the solution, including reports from exposure registers with national ID numbers. Can assign access across units (e.g. to several Faculties). Can change superuser access and create new superusers.

Global and local database

Safety data sheets in the locations are obtained, as a general rule, from the global database. When the safety data sheet is updated in the global database, it will also be updated at the relevant location(s). Global database is maintained by the supplier. Read/write users can obtaine safety data sheets from global database.

Superuser can upload safety data sheets in the local database, but this is not updated by the supplier. What is typically uploaded here are self-developed safety data sheets / information sheets.

Safety data sheet update - global database

The supplier regularly searches several chemical suppliers for updated safety data sheets. (see list of chemical suppliers, which are reviewed ). As a general rule, this is done every other month. New and updated safety data sheets will be entered into the global database in Workplace Safety by the supplier.

Adding missing safety data sheets to global database

Safety data sheets from suppliers listed above that are not in the global database can be sent to

Adding safety data sheets from suppliers that are not part of the global database

Safety data sheets from suppliers, that are not part of the global database, must be uploaded to the local database by a read/write-user or superuser. Contact superuser (see under Contact).

Creating own safety data sheets / information sheets

The Chemical index contains per 10 June 2024 no functionality to create own safety data sheets / information sheet. This function is per now in beta version, and is therefore not made available. Contact if you need to create your own safety data sheets / information sheets.

Requirements for safety data sheets and information sheets

General requirements - safety data sheet and information sheet must:

  • be written in Norwegian.
  • have revision date applied
  • will be revised as soon as new information is available.
  • There must be an electronic version in the substance catalog also found in where health-hazardous chemicals, substances and/or biological factors are handled.

Safety data sheets must:

  • Be prepared in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2020/878. In practice, this means that safety data sheets with a revision date before 01.01.2023 are not accepted
  • Contain 16 mandatory points.

Information sheets must:

  • Contain 8 mandatory points for substances hazardous to health that do not trigger a requirement for a safety data sheet.
  • Contain 7 mandatory points for health-hazardous biological material.

See also regulation on the execution of work § 2-1[in Norwegian].

Safety data sheets and exposure scenarios

Registered REACH users (producers/manufacturers/importers) are obligated to compile a chemical safety report for substances manufactured or imported in annual amounts of 10 tonnes or more. For substances or substance components classified as hazardous or assessed to be biopersistent/bioaccumulative/toxic (PBT/vPvB), the requirement is that the chemical safety report should contain exposure scenarios.

"Hazardous substances" are substances or components labelled carcinogenic (C) or harmful to genes (M) or reproduction (R).

PBT are substances that are persistent (slow degradation), bioaccumulative (stored in living tissue) and toxic. vPvB are substances that are very persistent (low degradation) and very bioaccumulative (stored in living tissue).

The exposure scenarios for a given substance should be enclosed with or incorporated in the substance’s safety data sheet. A safety data sheet with exposure scenarios is called an extended safety data sheet.

The exposure scenarios should work as instructions for safe handling of the chemicals in the establishments. The exposure scenarios contain:

  • Conditions for use – e.g. duration and frequency of use, the amount used, the concentration of a substance in a product, the process temperature
  • Safety measures – e.g. ventilation, air filter system
  • Measures for risk handling
  • Practical advice for the safe use of chemicals – e.g. a description of technical measures (fume hoods, closed system) or requirements for personal protective equipment
  • Descriptions and measures for protection of the environment

How do we know if we have received an exposure scenario?

How to check if the substance has an exposure scenario:

  • Pt. 1.1 in the safety data sheet: Does the substance have a REACH registration number?
  • Pt. 15.2 in the safety data sheet: Has a chemical safety assessment been performed for the substance?

If the answer to both questions is "yes", it is likely that the substance has an exposure scenario, either enclosed with or incorporated in the safety data sheet. The latter might be difficult to identify. When in doubt, contact the supplier of the substance or the HSE Division.

What do we do when we have received a safety data sheet with an exposure scenario?

  • Record the date of receipt
    • This can be done in the substance index (in connection with the risk assessment)
  • Assess whether the scenarios cover your use of the substance
    • Is your use of the substance covered by the descriptions of use in pt. 1.2 in the safety data sheet and the pertaining exposure scenario?
  • If the scenario covers your use of the substance:
    • Check the conditions of use detailed in the exposure scenario
      • Are you working according to these conditions of use? Example: How large quantities of the substance do you use? How long are you exposed?
    • Check whether the safety measures described in the exposure scenario are already introduced in your workplace
      • Are the recommended measures for risk handling in place, e.g. suction hoses and cleaning of discharges to air and water?
      • In case of disagreement between the measures described in the scenario and the measures implemented in your workplace, the required measures must be introduced no later than 12 months from the date when you received the scenario.
  • If the scenario does not cover your use of the substance, you have a period of 12 months from the date of receipt to initiate one of the following:
    • Notify the supplier. Ask for a scenario to cover your use of the substance. You must provide the supplier with all necessary information about your use of the substance, in order for them to prepare a new or revised scenario.
    • Adapt your activities in accordance with the requirements of the existing scenario.
    • Look for a different supplier that delivers or is willing to create a scenario to cover your use of the substance.
    • Compile your own chemical safety report with an exposure scenario. The HSE Division does not recommend the latter, as it will often require a lot of work.

See also General information on exposure scenarios (in Norwegian) and Facts sheet on exposure scenarios (in Norwegian).


NTNU regulations




Approved by the Director of HSE - 7 June 2024 - HMSR39E - ePhorte 2013/11280