HSE process - Kunnskapsbasen
HSE process
All units must complete an HMS process to identify potential health, safety and environment issues. These issues must then be addressed with an HSE plan of action.
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HSE process
Each group or unit must periodically complete an HSE process. For most units, an annual HSE process is required. The unit must allocate the necessary time to carry out the HSE process. The line manager is responsible for the completion of the HSE process and that prioritised measures are taken.
The HSE process is one of several tools used by NTNU to systematically chart challenges related to health, safety and environment within the organization. The HSE process documents the process that is required under the Working Environment Act.
HSE issues
Here is an overview of different HSE issues, which should help in determining what needs to be done. You will also find links to NTNU regulations and legislation:
- Workplaces and facilities, construction and reconstruction (Norwegian)
- Lighting
- Biological agents
- Fire protection (in Norwegian)
- Electrical systems and equipment
- Ergonomics – office workplace
- Ergonomics – workplace
- Field work (in Norwegian)
- First aid equipment
- Inclusive working life - IA (in Norwegian)
- Indoor climate
- Chemicals and gases
- Organisational and psychosocial (forthcoming)
- Risk assessment
- Prevention of drug use and drug problems (forthcoming)
- Sensitive information about individuals, activities and equipment (forthcoming)
- Stress (forthcoming)
- Radiation protection
- Student working environment (in Norwegian)
- Dust
- Noise (in Norwegian)
- Hot work
- External environment (forthcoming)
Pre-meeting, charting issues, post-meeting
The HSE process consists of three parts: Pre-meeting, charting issues and post-meeting. The line manager is responsible for a report of the entire HSE process.
Participants in the HSE process
The line manager should at least participate in the pre and post-meetings. The line manager and the safety deputy determines the other participants. These might be:
- HSE coordinators
- Student representative
- Foreman, head and staff engineers
- Local radiation protection coordinators
- HSE Division (in Norwegian) for professional assistance
- The Technical Department for construction related issues such as plumbing, buildings and more.
- Others who use the facilities, for example SINTEF and St. Olavs Hospital.
- Others that the unit determines should participate.
Go through last year's:
- Internal HSE report, charting process, HSE plan of action and measures that have been taken during the last year.
- Internal and external HSE enquiries.
- Nonconformity report. A HSE nonconformity is defined as: "Deficiencies or incidents that can lead to/has lead to damage to humans, environment or materials."
- Statistics for absence due to illness.
- Laws, regulations and other requirements for the establishment, internal HSE documents for the subject(s) in question, such as laboratory and workshop manual (currently in Norwegian), procedures, instructions and other info.
Clarify further the HSE challenges to be described:
- What HSE problems or challenges does the unit face?
- Which challenges should we deal with in the forthcoming period?
Prioritize the most important challenges where there is most risk involved. Do not choose too many issues to address.
The charting method varies based on the issues to be described. Please refer to the section below about HSE challenges. Possible methods include internal mapping, more detailed mappings in collaboration with the HSE Division, the Technical Department or other internal or external units, exposure measurements, risk assessments, subject meetings with employees and performance appraisals (currently in Norwegian).
Minutes for HSE processes might be helpful for certain types of charting exercises.
- Go through, assess and prioritize measures for the challenges that were found in the pre-meeting and/or in the charting process.
- All problems that were uncovered in the HSE process must be recorded and processed in the nonconformity system. When you have recorded the problem or discrepency, it is important that you specify the nonconformity category as the "HSE process". This will enable us to create an overview of nonconformities that result from the HSE process.
- Update the unit's overview of laws, regulations and other requirements.
- Create a plan of action with deadlines and who are responsible for the measures.
- Draw up a cost estimate for the planned measures.
NTNU regulations
- Supervision and follow-up of changes in legislation, regulations and other requirements.
- Preparation, alteration and administration of HSE documents.
- HSE training.
- Plan of action for the unit's HSE work.
- Minutes for HSE process.
- Regulation of systematic work with health, safety and environment in establishments (in Norwegian).
- Regulations relating to systematic health, environmental and safety activities in enterprises (Internal control regulations) (in Norwegian)
Approved by Director of HSE - December 7th 2012 - HMSR12E - ePhorte 2013/11292