
First Aid Equipment

If the risk assessment dictates it, units might need supplementary first aid equipment.

Norsk versjon: Førstehjelpsutstyr

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Supplementary first aid equipment

The following are examples of types of work that might require the unit to have supplementary first aid equipment:

  • Work involving corrosive liquids that might splash, especially into the eyes. In this case, eyewash should be available to use on site and during transfer to the hospital.
  • Work with hydrofluoric acid. In this case, the HF antidote gel should be on hand.
  • Hot work involving burning danger. In this case, water gel and burn dressings should be available.

First aid equipment for fieldwork

During international fieldwork, situations can occur where treatment is needed and the local healthcare isn't immediately available. This mainly applies to areas outside of western Europe, North America and Australia, but in these areas there are also situations where one should carry first aid equipment. If prescription drugs are needed in the first aid kit, contact the occupational physician at the HSE department. If you are carrying prescription drugs and other equipment out of the country, you will need documentation from the occupational physician.

Also see the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority's brochure on first aid equipment (in Norwegian). If the unit needs help with first aid equipment, contact the HSE department.

The line leader is to provide necessary first aid training.

Check list

  • Does the unit have research groups, sections or projects that have different needs for first aid?
  • What type of first aid might be needed?
  • How does the unit ensure that the equipment is always available, maintained, and updated?
  • Are all students and employees aware of where the first aid equipment is stored?


NTNU regulations


The Work Environment Act, § 4-4, 1 and 2: Requirements for the physical work environment (in Norwegian)

Contact Information


Approved by the HSE leader - September 8 2013 - HMSRV6001 - ePhorte 2013/11283