
HSE coordinators

Norsk versjon - HMS-koordinator

Topic page about health and safety | Pages labelled with health

List of employees in the HSE division (in Norwegian only)


See also: Safety representative responsibilities

Faculty of Architecture and Design


Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Unit HSE coordinator
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Ingvild Hammer
Department of Helath Science in Gjøvik Hanne Eng
Department of Helath Science in Ålesund Unni Sletten
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience/CBM Alice Burøy
Department Clinical and Molecular Medicine Veslemøy Malm Landsem
Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science (INB) Torill Naavik
Department of Mental Health Odd Meland
Department of Public Health and Nursing Geir Kristiansen
Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging Monica Gundersen
Division of Comparative Medicine Anne Åm


Faculty of Humanities

Unit HSE coordinator
Faculty of Humanities Ina Therese Sørdahl
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Susanna Brynhildsen
Department of Historical and Classical Studies Astri Halsan
Department of Modern History and Society Eivind Maråk
Department of Art and Media Studies Anita Oxaas Karlsen
Department of Music Erik Hagtun
Department of Language and Literature Morten Antonsen
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Åse Marit Skarholt


Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Unit HSE coordinator
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Thron Aass
Department of Computer Science Kai T. Dragland
Department of Electronic Systems Sverre Vegard Pettersen
Department of Electric Power Engineering Halsten Aastenbøl
Department of ICT and Natural Sciences Anders Sætersmoen
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology Jo-Are Nordli Eriksen
Department of Mathematical Sciences Mersiha Sehic
Department of Engineering Cybernetics Knut Reklev


Faculty of Engineering

Unit HSE coordinator
Faculty of Engineering Roar Eriksen
Faculty administration Roar Eriksen
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Are Wendelborg Brandt

Thai Mai (Lab)

Department of Energy and Process Engineering

Morten Grønli and  Per Bjørnaas

Department of Structural Engineering Natascia Manderioli
Department of Marine Technology Einar Magnus Aasen
Department of Geoscience and Petroleum Erlend Våtevik
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Espen Selnæs (Gløshaugen), Øyvind Andersen (Valgrinda), Terje Petersen (Kalvskinnet)

Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering Finn Tore Holmset
Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering Chunhong Luo


Faculty of Natural Sciences

Unit HSE coordinator
Faculty of Natural Sciences Espen Fjærvik
Department of Biology Kjersti Rennan Dahl
Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund Birgitte Paulsen Torset
Department of Biotechnology and Food Science Martin Gimmestad
Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science Lilja Brekke Thorfinnsdottir
Department of Physics Oddbjørn Grandum
Department of Chemistry Huey-San Melanie Siah
Department of Chemical Engineering Gøril Flatberg
Department of Materials Science and Engineering Anita Britt Olsen



Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences

Unit HSE coordinator
Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences Kirsten Sjolte
Department of Social Anthropology Siv Bjørklund Mora
Department of Teacher Education Berit Hansen Gilde
Department of Education and Lifelong Learning Mona Haugnes
Department of Social Work Hallgerd H Helgetun
Department of Sociology and Political Science Oddrun Strand
Department of Psychology Terje Johansen
Department of Gegraphy Siv Bjørklund Mora


Faculty of Economics and Management

Unit HSE coordinator
Faculty of Economics and Management Svein Olav Antonsen
Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management Lena Aune Weiseth
Department of International Business Dagrun Lorgen Jensen
Department of Economics Anne Larsen
NTNU Business School  


NTNU University Museum

Unit HSE coordinator
Department of Natural History  Renate Kvernberg


Management and Administration

Campus Services Division

Unit HSE coordinator
Campus Services Division Cecilie Holen
Building Management Section Kari Karlsen
Technical Management Section Per Gjengår
Project Implementation Section Ola Steinhaug
Property Service Centre Sidsel Kristiansen


Property division and Financial division

Unit HSE coordinator
Finance and Property Aud Magna Gabrielsen
Property Division Lindis Burheim
Financial Division Ingrid Volden
Financial Advisory Services Section  
Payroll Services Section  
Finance Service Centre  


Division for Governance and Management Systems

Unit HSE coordinator
Division for Governance and Management Systems Roar Tobro


Rector's Staff and Organization

Unit HSE coordinator
Rektor's staff, HR-HSE division, Records Management Division and Communication division Kristin Wergeland Brekke
Rektor's staff  
HR and HSE division Arve Johansen
HSE section  
Records Management Division  
Communication division  
NTNU Grafisk senter  
Common Administrative services Gjøvik  
Common Administrative services Ålesund  


IT Division

Unit HSE coordinator
IT-avdelingen Rolf Sigvart Lea Lein

Education Quality Division, Student and Academic Division and Student Services Division

Unit HSE coordinator

Education Quality Division

Hege Barreth Jacobsen
Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development  
Student and Academic Division Simen Fraser
Education Section in Gjøvik  
Education Section in Ålesund  
Student Services Division Nora-Marie Bratterbø
Office of International Relations  


University Library

Unit HSE coordinator
University Library  



Unit HSE coordinator
BIBSYS Gunnfrid Løveng


Last edited 28.11.2017

4430 Visninger