
Education plan

The education plan is a mutual agreement between you and NTNU. Use the education plan to plan your degree, within the defined rules for choosing and combining courses. Keep it updated, because your diploma will be made based on the courses that is registered in your education plan. Norsk versjon - Utdanningsplan.

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What is an education plan?

You will have an education plan if you are admitted to studies of 60 credits or more. The education plan shows the content and progression of your planned studies. If you take less than 60 credits (for example individual courses), you do not need to confirm the education plan, but you must register for the semester in order to gain access to teaching and examinations.

The education plan is based on the study plan for the program of study, the specialization or the 1-year study programme you are admitted to. You can make changes to the education plan during your studies.

Your education plan can be used for several things:

  • Plan your studies ahead. Full-time study amounts to 30 credits each semester.
  • See the previously completed courses.
  • View courses from other institutions that have been approved in the program. How to apply for recognitions of previous studies.
  • See which courses will be the basis for the degree and be included in the diploma.
  • See rights and obligations you must be familiarized with as a student at NTNU.

Where do I find my education plan?

You can find your education plan in Studentweb:

  1.  Log on Studentweb
  2. Select Studies at the top menu
  3. Click Show education plan

Confirming the education plan in Studentweb is part of the semester registration process.
The deadline for approving your education plan and semester registration is 15 September (autumn) and 1 February (spring).

How can I change the education plan in Studentweb?

  • If you want to add more courses to your education plan, select Studies from the top menu and Show education plan.
  • If you want to register for courses outside your education plan, do so from the top menu on Studentweb, under My active courses.
  • You can withdraw from classes and exams through the education plan or through the top menu on Studentweb, under My active courses. The deadline for withdrawal is 14 days before the exam has started.
  • If you want to improve the grade on a course you have taken earlier, you can re-register for the exam in the education plan under the semester you first took the course.
  • On some programs, you can move courses to a later semester.

During the first semesters, you will most likely receive warnings on Studentweb that tells that you haven`t registered all courses in your plan yet. As you register courses into your education plan, the alerts will disappear.

The individual education plan will normally expire at the end of the programme's nominal length of study. If your plan has expired, and you haven't completed your degree, you may apply for an extended period of study.


Your diploma will be made based on the courses that is registered in your education plan. We will produce your diploma when you meet the requirements for the study program you are attending. To avoid delays with the diploma, you should check that the education plan is in order.


For questions about the education plan, courses, exams, study leave, regulations etc. - contact your study advisor.

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