Permitted examination aids - Kunnskapsbasen
Permitted examination aids
What kinds of calculators am I allowed to use? Am I allowed to use a dictionary during my examination? Here are the rules you need to know. Information about calculators and other support material you are allowed to use will also be provided on the front of your examination question paper.
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Support material codes
Support material codes A-F is originally for technology studies at the old NTNU, but is also used by a number of other studies.
A: All printed and hand-written support material is allowed. All calculators are allowed.
B: All printed and hand-written support material is allowed. A specific basic calculator is allowed.
C: Specified printed and hand-written support material is allowed. A specific basic calculator is allowed.
D: No printed or hand-written support material is allowed. A specific basic calculator is allowed.
E: No support material is allowed.
F: Specified printed and hand-written support material is allowed. No calculators are allowed.
G: Specified printed and hand-written support material is allowed. All calculators are allowed.
H: No printed or hand-written support material is allowed. All calculators are allowed.
I: All written or handwritten examination support material is permitted. No calculator is permitted.
In oral examinations, support material code D applies unless otherwise agreed with the lecturer.
Support material code "hjelpemidd" - permitted support material according to course description.
Support material code "lovsamling" - law collection and / or prints from Lovdata
Support material code "Lovdata" - Access to web-resource Lovdata PRO
Support material code A, H and G. The following applies when "all calculators" are allowed:
- Must not have the ability to communicate with other units
- Power connection is not allowed
- Must not make noise
- Must not have reading equipment other than the display
- Must only constitute one - 1 - object
- Must be pocket sized
Support material code B-D "specific basic calculator". The following basic calculators are permitted:
- Casio FX-82CW, Casio FC100 V2, Casio fx-82ES PLUS and Casio fx-82EX
- Citizen SR-270X and Citizen SR-270X College
- Hewlett Packard HP30S
- Other calculators can be allowed based on specific issues in the course. The specific calculator must then be stated in the course description and on the front page of the examination paper.
Dictionaries in examinations
You are allowed to use a simple bilingual dictionary if the examination is held in a language other than your native tongue. You do not have to apply for this.
For language studies, only dictionaries specified on the examination paper are allowed. Dictionaries will be examined by the invigilators before the examination.
Personal belongings
All bags and personal belongings, including mobile phones, must be left at the designated place in the examination room.