Digital school exam - for students - Kunnskapsbasen
Digital school exam - for students
This site contains information for students about digital written school exams.
Norsk versjon - Digital skoleeksamen - for studenter
Topic page about exam | Pages labeled with exam
1. Preparations
Information on general exam preparations are available at the topic page about exams. The list below shows preparations specific to digital written school exams.
- The browser for using Inspera must be Google Chrome.
- Unless otherwise specified in Studentweb, you will be required to use your own laptop. If you are seated in a computer lab, you will use NTNU desktops. This will be clearly specified in Studentweb supplementary to the room information.
Digital written school exams use Safe Exam Browser (SEB). This software locks your computer, so you can only access Inspera, and any predefined allowed software. When using your own computer it will need to fulfill some requirements:
- Windows 10/11 (Safe Exam Browser v3.5.0, 64bit, spring 2024)
- MacOS 12 or newer (Safe Exam Browser v3.2.5, spring 2024)
- You will need administrator privileges to install Safe Exam Browser.
- Linux, Android, iOS and ChromeOS are not supported at this time. Running Safe Exam Browser in a VM is grounds for being excluded for cheating
- Download the correct version of SEB by logging in to Inspera Assessment and taking the demo test. That way, you will also see how an exam in Inspera Assessment could look like.
NB! It is important to check that you have installed an updated version of Safe Exam Browser before your exam. The versions are regularly updated and might not always be backwards compatible.
- Make sure you update your computer, run a windows update / MacOS update before the exam day.
- If you do not have a computer, or your computer isn't working properly, please contact Orakeltjenesten support services. They can provide you with support and knowledge about the exam system Inspera Assessment.
We have a limited number of backup computers available during campus exams for emergency loans, but unfortunately not for use during home exams. If you don't have your own computer, you can try to borrow one from elsewhere or purchase one.
- Internet: We recommend that everyone delete the networks 'ntnu' and 'ntnuguest' from their WiFi interfaces. Use eduroam and check the 'connect automatically' box. Log in to eduroam using and you NTNU password.
Your exam answers will synchronize and save every 15 seconds and thus require internet-connection throughout the exam. (The software also stores a local copy in case of any network issues.) - Some exams will support handing in calculations/hand-drawings on paper. See more information on hand-drawn sketches for digital written school exams.
2. Day of the exam
General information and rules regarding the day of the exam is available on the topic page about exams. The list below is specific to digital written school exams.
- Bring your laptop and charger, unless otherwise specified on Studentweb. (If you are seated in a computer lab, you must use one of NTNU's desktops.)
- You will be able to draft on draft paper, these cannot be submitted.
- Some exams are set up to use hand drawings, see more here: School exam with hand drawings - for students. Bring a blue or black pen for writing.
- Connect to Eduroam (WiFi).
- Password required to access the exam will be provided in the exam halls.
- When you have finished your exam, click "Submit now" and notify an invigilator. Unlike for home exams, your answers for school exams are not autmatically submitted when the examination time ends.
- Remember to quit Safe Exam browser before leaving the exam location.
Help during the exam
IT-support is available during exams in case anything should go wrong with your computer. If the problem is not quickly resolved, we will provide a NTNU computer and extra time will be given to compensate for lost time.
3. After the exam
You can review your answer by clicking "View submission" immediately after submitting.
Later you will find your answer in "Archive" in Inspera Assessment. For courses with scanned papers, it may take up to a couple of working days until all papers are scanned and available in Archive.
Special examination arrangements - for courses with digital exam
See special examination arrangements.
Students who have been granted computer as special examination arrangements, will be seated in a computer lab and will not be able to use their own equipment without having an agreement with the NTNU exams office.
Literacy support for dyslexics: NTNU currently offers LingIT. The software is installed in all our examination computers. If you are granted literacy support for dyslexics, you will have access to LingIT. It is also possible to use the built-in proofing tool in Inspera Assessment or Microsoft Word proofing.
Cheating on exams
Cheating on exams can result in serious consequences for the student who cheats. If you are caught cheating, you may be:
- Banned from the university for a year.
- You may be denied the right to take the exam at other universities and university colleges.
- Your exam will be annulled.
- For further information see Cheating on exams.
Contact & support
Got questions? Check the FAQ before contacting support.
Orakel support services
Telephone: +47 73 59 15 00
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