
Guide to Innsida

Edit your profile page

Employee profile pages are widely used by colleagues, students and potential national and international partners. If you are applying for research funding, it’s highly probable that your profile page will be visited, so it is important to keep it updated.

To edit the profile page: Log in to Innsida via the Menu at the top right and click on the pencil for editing at the top of the right column.

Norsk versjon: Rediger din profilside
Topic Page: Innsida Help | Pages marked with profile page

Photo of a persons profile page showing the elements described in the text below.

Contact info and photo

  • Name, job title, unit and email: You can adjust how your name is displayed if you wish, removing middle names you don't use for example. Feel free to enter a descriptive job title, such as Study Supervisor instead of Senior Consultant.
  • Phone number: NTNU expects employees’ work phone and contact information to be visible. Though some may have a good reason for hiding their work phone number on the publicly accessible profile, it will remain visible to employees and students who are logged in to Innsida.
  • Office and map link: Search for your building and mark the room you are sitting in. This way you will get a map link to your workplace in Mazemap.
  • Other profile pages: Link to Google Scholar, LinkedIn, Instagram, blogs or other relevant websites where you maintain a profile.
  • Photo and press photo options: Click on the picture to add or change your profile photo. Strongly consider adding a link to a press photo using the option under your regular profile photo. In addition, under the profile picture you can upload or link to press pictures. If a photographer is to be credited, you can enter the photographer's name. Fotoware works well for that (Norw. only).

New tab options

Tabs for Research, Publications, Teaching and Media will remain hidden until you have added content to them.Most administrative personnel will use only the About tab. Below are some tips for making the most of the various options:


  • Describe what you work with and what expertise you have.
  • Upload your CV for detailed information.
  • Competencies and discipline tags from Cristin are presented for academic staff. Those without access to Cristin can add skills tags manually.


  • Free text field: Describe your research areas, research projects and research groups.
  • Research groups: Add a link, or many, to list your research groups and relevant group websites.
  • Research projects: Use the card option to highlight research projects, work packages or project activities, drawing attention with pictures and linking to relevant websites. (How to)


  • Free text field: An option for anyone who prefers to maintain a manual list of publications, or supplement the automatic list.
  • Highlights: Use the card option to add a relevant illustration, artwork, book covers, or to highlight something else. (How to)
  • Publications: Your automatic publications list uses the activities you have registered in Cristin.


  • Courses this academic year: Courses in which you have an official role are shown here (based on FS data). You can hide this if desired and create a separate manual subject list by using the free text field (see next point).
  • Free text field: Describe your teaching activities, promote a seminar, or use this field to supplement the automatic course list above.
  • Advising: Describe subject areas in which you are an advisor for master and doctoral candidates.


  • Highlight media contributions: An option to highlight blog posts, interviews and other visually using a card option at the top of the tab. (How to)
  • List: This tab will automatically list any media/dissemination activities you have registered in Cristin, but you control how many are shown.

Text formatting options

How to insert links, bullet points and add extra headings in the text editor.


  • Use the language button at the top of the editing page to access either the Norwegian or the English version of your page. Please provide information in both languages.
    • If there is no change when you click on the language buttons, then reload the page.
  • Norwegian: Choose between "bokmål" and "nynorsk" for the Norwegian version of your page from the left menu > Account and consent.

The Account and consent options can be useful if you wish to:

Who can see my profile page?

Employee profiles are open to the world. If you wish to confirm that you have a public employee page, you will find a link to the public version at the top of the page in edit mode. Click it. You will notice that any changes, additions or removals to your profile in Innsida will reflect on your public employee pages ( and If you linking to, or sharing your profile with others make sure to send the public link.

Exception: Most student employees will not have a publicly accessible employee profile even if they are employed as a student assistant. There may be exceptions. Check for a link at the top of your profile in edit mode, if you are employeed as a student assistant.

Students: Student profile pages are only visible to logged-in users (employees and other students). They are not visible to people outside NTNU.

Detailed tutorials for My Profile


Get in touch via NTNU Hjelp if you have questions.

Child Pages (8)

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