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Contact info details in My profile

How to change your contact info on My Profile in Innsida.

Norsk versjon: Endre kontaktinfo i Min profil
Main page: Edit your profile page | Pages labeled with profile

To edit the profile page: Click My profile in the main (top) menu, here, or in Innsida.

Office address

It is important to keep you office address updated for students and colleagues, but also because so that your city and building location can be used by other systems at NTNU, including: library systems, NTNU helpdesk, and the register of voters.

Telephone number

Telephone numbers you register will be synced to other systems at NTNU with two exceptions: Foreign numbers will only be visible in Innsida, people search, and on your profile. Foreign numbers will not be synced to Office365.

Hide number option: Some employees, for example professors who are also physicians at St. Olavs Hospital, may need to hide their phone number externally, leaving it visible only for colleagues and students via Innsida. Almost immediately, your number will be hidden from from your external profile pages and the employee lists on the external webpages. If you hide your Norwegian mobile or the number under Other number, the hidden number will no longer be synced Office365.


You may choose to show an alternative e-mail address in the profile as long as it is an existing e-mail or alias from NTNU, SINTEF or St. Olavs Hospital. This change will only change the address displayed in your profile. It will not affect your email account, or result in a redirect. Your official NTNU email address will still be used in all other situations.


Employees may upload their resume to their profile. Supported formats inlude: pdf , doc, docx, odt, png, gif, jpg.

Department affiliations

If you're affiliated with more than one division or department, you may choose the department that is displayed under your name, but you must display at least one. If you department you are expecting is not one of the options, an extra registration in the database might be necessary. Ask your representative in the Human Resources Division to check your registration in official systems. It may be necessary to add a guest affiliation for the unit that is missing. After the database is updated, it may take up to 24 hours before you see the new unit reflected on your profile page options.

Work title

The title displayed on your profile is your official position title in the HR-portalen. Common titles like engineer, consultant, adviser don't provide insight into what you actually work with. If your official title is vague, consider supplementing it with an appropriate, approved, supplementary title such as title Head of Research, Head of Department, Project Manager Project X.


Your name in Innsida is derived from the name you're registered with in Folkeregisteret, but certain users with middle names might see their names in the wrong order. While you can correct this manually in your profile, it is important to correct information in official databases.


Get in touch via NTNU Hjelp if you have questions.