
Innsida messages

Post a message on Innsida

Here you will find guidance on how to write messages on Innsida. You can publish messages in channels to which you have write access.

Main page: All guides for Innsida | Norsk versjon: Skriv melding - Innsida

New message

Before you start, you should have thought through the content. Think plain language and feel free to divide the text so that it becomes efficient to read. A good and informative title is important.

If you have drafted the text in Word, use the Tx function in the text editor to avoid dragging code from Word with you that destroys the formatting.

Simple text-only message

  1. Click on New message in the left menu
  2. Enter the name of the channel(s) you want to publish to
  3. Write an informative title and add content
  4. Add relevant tags
  5. Click Publish message

How to use the text editor

Our readers are always happy with messages that are clear and well designed. It takes simple steps, and here you can see how the text editor works:

Screendump of the text editor at Innsida

  • Arrow keys: Undo/do anyway
  • Paragraph: Select the middle title and select Heading 2 (and possibly Heading 3 for the level below)
  • B: Mark text as Bold. Used when you need to highlight text, but never on intermediate titles, here you use Paragraph.
  • I: Mark text as italic. Remember that italics are difficult to read on screen, so it should be used for single words or short sentences.
  • Increase and decrease indent: Moves the text out from the edge, or back. Rarely used.
  • Tx: Removes formatting. Used if you have pasted text from a word processor
  • Bullet list and numbered list: For listing content.
  • Table: 1) Select the number of rows and columns, 2) Click on the table and select Table Properties, 3) Click Show Caption to add a title to the table and select the Class (that is, type of style) that you want. The NTNU Light style gives you a table where the top row has a background color.
  • Quote: If you want to highlight text, such as a quote, highlight the text and select the quote icon.
  • Link and attachment: Select text and insert a link or upload an attachment. The link text itself should be informative. Read more about attachments in the Tips and tricks chapter.
  • Image: Here you can either enter the URL of an image that is online and to which you have rights, or you can upload an image. Remember to describe the image's content by filling out "Alternative description" when you add the picture.
  • Video: Here you can either enter a link to the video, or embed (embed) the code for the video. Please check out the information in this chapter below.

Other functions in the text editor

The last five functions in the text editor range are rarely used. These are:

  • Superscript and subscript
  • Horizontal line
  • Special characters
  • The source code

Calendar event

You can create a message as a calendar event. It can either be closed and available in the message channels you publish in, but you can also make it available externally on NTNU's external events calendar.

How to create a calendar event (in Norwegian only)

Tips and tricks

Advice on how to optimize the content.

Messages in English

If you have an international target group, you follow the same recipe, but write:

  • In the title field, separate Norwegian and English titles with a slash: Title in Norwegian / Title in English
  • At the start of the message, write: For English version, see below
  • Then you add English text at the bottom of the message


A good picture is a big plus! If you don't have one yourself, you can find good pictures in NTNU's image bank. Remember to check the rights to the image.

Please note: Never post images with (a lot of) text. Firstly, it is often not readable on mobile, and secondly, we must follow Norwegian law and ensure that content is accessible to everyone.

Please remember to fill inn a description of the picture in the field "Alternative description" when you add the picture.


You can add video via the player icon in the text editor. You can do this in two ways:

  • Insert link via General
  • Insert embed code via Include

See the Publish video in message webpage for detailed info.

Create action button

  • Mark the text that should be a link (should be short and descriptive text) and insert the link.
  • Click on Paragraph and select Link button.
  • This is what an action button looks like. The button is has a grey frame and turns blue when you point to it.


There is a 5MB limit on attachments and images. If you have larger files, you should put them on a file area or a web server and then link them up in the message. We recommend using pdf, which is a relatively platform-independent format.

These file formats are supported for messages on Innsida

  • pdf
  • odt
  • doc and docx (preferably use pdf)
  • ppt (preferably use pdf)
  • xls
  • jpg
  • png
  • gif

Comments, likes and statistics

Comments and likes: If someone comments, you will receive a notification in the left menu. Click on the message and you will be able to read comments. You will also see the number of people who have liked the message.

Statistics: Click on the three dots at the bottom of your message and see the statistics. We point out that potential readers may be too high since data is obtained from the personnel system where not all people are necessarily terminated.

See also

Get access to cross-publish messages to multiple channels (in Norwegian only). For communications staff and others who write a lot of messages.


Do you need training? Contact your network administrator.
Feedback and reporting errors: Contact the Communications Department via NTNU Help.