Innsida messages - Kunnskapsbasen
Innsida messages
How you read messages and use the messaging system on Innsida. The content below describes the links in the left menu on the Inside home page.
Main page: All guides for Innsida | Norsk versjon: Innsida meldinger
Read messages
All messages are collected on the home page when you log in to Innsida. Here you can read messages from your devices, common news for NTNU and other channels that are relevant to you.
- To read a message, click on the title.
- You close the message by clicking on the title again.
At the bottom of a message you will find functions to comment, like and share the message. In addition, you can see clicking on More to, among other things, hide, republish to another channel and hide messages.
You can choose between two views of messages: List view and card view. You can check out what you like best by clicking on the list/card icons at the top right above the messages on the home page.
Some messages may be marked with a blue background. These are important messages that the sender believes is important for you to receive. The blue color disappears when you have read the message.
Write messages
Channel settings
Approximately at the bottom of the left column you will find channel settings. Here you can:
- Favorite message channels so that they appear at the top of the drop-down menu on the home page.
- Discover and subscribe to channels.
- Create your own channels that others can subscribe to.
- Tell others about a message channel: 1) select the channel you want to share, 2) at the bottom of the middle column you will find a link that you can copy and send to the person you want to share the channel with.
Some channels are mandatory, others you can subscribe to. Add and remove message channels.
Favorite channels
Here you will find messages from channels that you use most and that you have marked as favorites in Channel settings (see above).
Favorite messages
If there are special messages that you want to mark and take care of, click on Favorite (the star) at the bottom of the message. The message will then be placed under Favorite messages in the left column.
You can also favorite a message to get push notifications about comments on a posted message. This notice will appear under Notifications in the left column.
My messages
Here you will find a list of all the messages you have written yourself.
Hidden messages
Some people like to clear and use Hide message to clear the messages. You can find this function under More at the bottom right of the message. If you still want to see a message you have hidden, you can click on Hidden messages in the left column of the home page.
You will receive a notification in the left column if someone has commented on a message you have written, wants to subscribe to a message channel on which you are an administrator, or if you have favorited a message and someone comments on it.
Do you have questions about Innsida? Please contact us via NTNU Hjelp.
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