
Guide to Innsida

Create Innsida message channel

You can create a shared message channel as needed. This is particularly useful if you work with people from other departments or groups: share meeting minutes, discuss strategies and coordinate activities across campuses and locations.

Norsk versjon - Opprett ny meldingskanal

Topic page about IT services | Pages labeled with innsida 

Creat a new channel

(1) In the news menu, click on the button "Channels" at the bottom.

(5) Click "Create new channel".

opprett kanal

Then fill in information about the new channel. 

lag kanal illustrasjon

  1. Title: Use up to 40 characters.
  2. Description: A few words about the purpose of the channel.
  3. Channel icon: (optional) Upload an icon for the channel; a small illustration that can function as an icon for the channel (png, jpg, eller gif). The ideal size for icons is 16 x 16 pixles. 
  4. Category (optional): Choose the category best suited, e.g. "Discussion and cooperation".
  5. Allow comments: Choose whether it should be allowed to comment.
  6. Write access: Controls who can post to the channel. If you choose "Verden" the channel will get an externaly accessible RSS feed.
  7. Read access: Controls who can subscribe to the channel.

You may also add a Rrelated website: (optional) Write the URL of the website for the department, project etc.

When the channel is created, you can read more about how you add administrators, statistics and members.

Q and A

How can I invite others to subscribe to the new channel?

Can I change the channel settings setting up the channel?


Orakel Support Services