
Share an Innsida message channel

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How can you get other people to subscribe to your channel?

You can't yet add people to new non-mandatory channels, but you can encourage them to subscribe. 

Send a link 

Recipients will be able to subscribe with one click, by clicking the "Subscribe " button.

1 click subscription page

The link to this subscription page is sent to you by email, when you first create the channel.  Channel subscribers can also find this page by clicking the gear icon at the top of the news stream for your channel.  More on this below.

Find the link for 1-click-subscribing

The sharing option, along with other information about the channel, can be found by clicking the gear icon in front of the channel name (see image below)

  1. From the "What's happening" tab, click on the channel you want to share from your list of subscriptions.
  2. Click the gear icon next to the channel name, and then click Share. (See illustration below, points A and B)
  3. On the info-page that opens, click the Share button (See illustration: C) to send an email, or copy the URL. Whoever you send the link to will be able to subscribe with a simple click of the Subscribe button.

Click the gear icon to share

Share the subscription page by email

RSS feed for the channel

Open channels have an extra option for sharing channel content: an RSS feed. The link to this feed can also be found on the feed info page described above. Open feeds will indicate that they are "Open to the public" and below

RSS feed for open channels