
Innsida messages

Message channel settings in Innsida

A guide to changing the settings for intranet message channels.

Main page: All guides for Innsida | Norsk versjon: Endre innstillinger for meldingskanaler

How to change settings for a channel

  1. Click Channel settings in the left menu
  2. Click on the channel you want to change or inspect.
  3. The Channel info page displays stats and other facts are available to all subscribers.
  4. Click Edit channel

If you are an administrator of the channel you can:

  • change the channel name
  • change who has read and write access to the channel
  • add administrators
  • remove the possibility of commenting messages posted in the channel
  • review a list of channel subscribers and remove individuals from the list
  • accept or decline new subscription requests (Norwegian)
  • add subscribers manually
  • delete the channel

Read rights

From the Channel tab you control who can read the messages posted to a specific channel.

The choices are:

  • Subscribers - the channel is closed to everyone except for the channel subscribers. If someone asks to subscribe, an administrator has to approve the request.
  • NTNU - open to users who are logged into the NTNU system and who want to subscribe. New members do not have to be approved.
  • The whole world - message content will be accessible without logging into Innsida via an RSS-feed for those with the feed URL.

Write rights

The settings for who can write messages can be changed from the Advanced options tab.

The options are:

  • (Strict) Admins - Only the administrator can write messages.
  • (Normal) Subscribers - Everyone who has subscribed to the channel can write messages.
  • (Open) NTNU - Employees, students and guestes who are logged on to Innsida can post messages.

Channel info

The channel's info page contains facts about the channel.

How to find the info page for a particular message channel:

  1. Click Channel settings in the left menu.
  2. Click on the channel you are interested in. Statistics and a few extra options are available only to subscribers

Use the info page to:

  • Subscribe or delete your subscription
  • Share the channel with others - Send the URL for the info page to whoever you want to. Anyone who follows the link can subscribe to the channel with one easy click, using the subscribe button.
  • Find out who the administrator is
  • Find the RSS feed for the channel, available only if channel read access is set to Open for the World

Channel administrators

The channel administrators can:

  • Change the channel's settings
  • Edit and remove all messages that are written in the channel.
  • Approve subscription requests for closed channels.
  • Add subscribers
  • Remove comments.
  • Give administrator access to other people and remove administrators

If there is no existing channel administrator and you want, create a request in requesting access.

FAQ - Why am I a channel administrator?

  • You have created a channel: Anyone who creates a new message channel is automatically both an administrator and a subscriber. You can remove yourself as an administrator as soon as you find someone else who can take the role.
  • OR you have been assigned the task. Departments, groups and research centres have assigned this role to certain individuals – with an emphasis on Web editors and local IT support.
  • OR you are an instructor or are otherwise responsible for a course - Applies only to course channels.


Do you have questions about Innsida? Please contact us via NTNU Hjelp.