
Guide to Innsida

The shortcuts on Innsida

On Innsida, you can add shortcuts to services and content that you use frequently. This means you have access to them regardless of which machine you log in from. In addition, you will find shortcuts to important services for your units, as well as what is common to employees and students.

Main page: All guides for Innsida | Norsk versjon: Snarveiene på Innsida

Shortcuts to large systems and services

  • Innsida start page, desktop: You will find shortcuts to frequently used services for the whole of NTNU in the menu items For employees and For students in the left column.
  • Innsida start page, mobile: In the bottom menu under Menu.
  • Innsida theme and wiki pages: In the top menu, see example at

Personal shortcuts and shortcuts for your unit

On your startpage on Innsida you can create your own shortcuts, as well as use shortcuts spesific for your unit. You can find these together with additional shortcuts for employees in the right column (desktop) and under Shortcuts at the bottom on mobile.

  • My: Click the pencil icon next to the shortcuts. Here you can enter, edit and delete your shortcuts. On mobile, the shortcuts are easily accessible at the bottom of the menu bar when you log in to Innsida.
  • Units: Under the link Units, you will find the shortcuts to important content and services specifically for the units you are registered as an employee at. If you have suggestions for links, or discover errors in the link – contact the communications officer at your unit, or faculty/department.
  • Shared employees: Here you will find links to various systems and services that are regularly used by employees. This is a supplement to the collection of the most used systems and services, which you can find by clicking on For employees in the left menu on Innsida, or in Menu located in the bottom menu on your mobile when you log in to Innsida.
  • Shared students: Here you will find shortcuts to several systems and services that are specific to students. These shortcuts are a supplement to the most used system and services for students, which you can find by clicking For students in the left menu on Innsida, or in Menu located in the bottom menu on your mobile when you log in to Innsida.

* The links are decided by the Communications Department in dialogue with relevant units. Report suggestions or errors via NTNU Help.

For administrators

Each superior unit will have at least one shortcut administrator who can enter links for all units in the line (e.g. faculty and the departments to which they belong). Information for administrators (In Norwegian).


Do you have questions about Innsida? Please contact us via NTNU Hjelp.

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