HyperWorks - Kunnskapsbasen
Norsk versjon – HyperWorks
Software information
Altair HyperWorks is an open architecture CAE simulation platform for the industry. HyperWorks includes modeling, linear and nonlinear analyses, structural and system-level optimization, fluid and multi-body dynamics simulation, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), multiphysics analysis, model-based development, and data management solutions.
License information
Volume license: Access limited and needs-tested volume agreement for a Dept./Faculty. Available for MS Windows, MacOS X and Linux.
Used by Faculty of Architecture and Design. Contact the IT responsible at the Faculty for details.
Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.
- From Software Center
Supplier information
Manufacturer: See more about HyperWorks at Altair Engineering Inc.
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