MathType - Kunnskapsbasen
Norsk versjon - MathType
Software information
MathType is an interactive point-and-click editor that enables you to to write mathematical equations your text editor. The software contains more than 500 mathematical symbols and templates. MathType can be used together with a variety of applications. MathType is closely integrated with Word and PowerPoint. Due to PCs operated by NTNU IT, MathType is not integrated with Office365 as a data processing agreement has not been signed for MathType.
Word contains an Equation Editor as its standard mathematical tool, and MathType is often called the "the Professional Version of Equation Editor".
MathType can convert equations to TeX, LaTeX and MathML v. 2 code. MathML is the standard for presenting mathematical equations on web pages. The software typesets equations in a mathematical manner while you type the equation. It can also export equations (all) from a Word document to pictures that are in EPS, GIF or WMF format. MathType can also convert an entire Word document to HTML, and the equations are saved as GIF pictures that are better quality than if you used Word's tool to convert your document to HTML.
License information
Site license: Matlab is available for Windows and Mac OS X.
Used by several faculties at NTNU.
Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.
- From Software Center
- From Software Farm
- From AppsAnywhere (The portal has been decommissioned and is no longer operational)
User support
Supplier information
Manufacturer: See more about MathType at Wiris
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