
Norsk versjon – Democracy 3

Software information

Democracy 3 is a government simulation game. The player plays as if they are the president or prime minister of a democratic government. The player must introduce and alter policies in seven areas – tax, economy, welfare, foreign policy, transport, law and order, and public services. Each policy has an effect on the happiness of various voter groups, as well as affecting factors such as crime and air quality. The player has to deal with "situations", which are typically problems such as petrol protests or homelessness, and also has to make decisions on dilemmas that arise each turn.

License information

Volume license:  Access limited and needs-tested volume agreement for a Dept./Faculty. Available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Used by Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences (Department of Teacher Education)

Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.


Supplier information

Manufacturer: See more about Democracy 3 at Positech Games

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