
Software products

DNASTAR Lasergene

Norsk versjon – DNASTAR Lasergene

Software information

DNASTAR Lasergene is a bioinformatics software solution for complete analysis, from cloning to next-gen sequencing. The package includes all of the applications in DNASTAR's Molecular Biology, Structural Biology and Genomics Suites to provide powerful and accurate results for all analysis needs. Whether your work focuses on next-gen sequencing assembly and analysis, clinical research, or traditional sequence analysis, the DNASTAR Lasergene package will meet your research needs.

License information

Single User License: Concurrent use. Free Trial Download.

Used by Faculty of Natural Sciences (Department of Biotechnology and Food Science)

Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.


Supplier information

Manufacturer: See more about DNASTAR Lasergene at DNASTAR

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