
Norsk versjon - Clue

Software information

Clue is one of the most comprehensive electronic dictionaries and language tools used by both student and professionals. Clue gives a wide array of dictionaries for your use; daily vernacular, general business, acronyms and typical professional terminology as well as specialized words and expressions. The dictionaries cover more than 200 different professions including administration, banking, energy, insurance, IT, legal, leadership, medicine, oil and economics.

Following 35 dictionaries are installed.

License information

Site license: Clue is available on MS Windows and MacOS X to all students and employees.

Used by all units at NTNU.

Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.


Clue Online

Clue Online lets you acccess Clue from anywhere in an Internet browser, and is free to use for both students and employees at NTNU. You log in with Feide. When it asks for your identity provider, choose "Feide - norwegian educational institutions" in the drop-down menu. If you are asked for an affiliation, choose NTNU. After this, you will be directed to a login similar to Blackboard and Innsida where you use your NTNU username and password.

Clue for mobile

The Clue app can be dowloaded to both Android and iOS devices. You can find the Clue apps through Clue's website.

User help

Supplier information

Manufacturer: Clue Norge ASA

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