
Software products

Microsoft Visio

Norsk versjon - Microsoft Visio

Software information

Microsoft Visio 365 is a software program that can quickly and easily draw different types of charts and forms.

On computers administered from NTNU IT, Visio is installed as part of Office365. In order to activate Visio on your own computer, you must contact the Orakeltjenesten with reasoned desire to obtain a license.

Read more about activating Office365.

License information

Singel User License: Available to employees on administered computers with justified needs. Only a limited number of licenses are available at any time. If the license is no longer necessary, it is desirable to give notice so that the license can be released to others.

Visio is also available as a separate application in Office 365 with somewhat limited functionality. It is advisable to try this version before applying for a Visio license.

Students can find MS Visio at Microsoft Azure Education (

Used by some users at NTNU.

Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.


Supplier information

Manufacturer: See more about Visio at Microsoft

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