
Software products

Quick Terrain Modeler

Norsk versjon – Quick Terrain Modeler

Software information

Quick Terrain Modeler is a 3D terrain visualization software package. Designed for use with LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), but flexible enough to accommodate other 3D data sources. Quick Terrain Modeler provides allows users to work with significantly more data, render larger models, analyze data faster, and export a variety of products. These benefits enable very powerful, yet simple and intuitive, terrain exploitation.

Quick Terrain Modeler can visualize the points as collected in a Point Cloud, as a gridded surface in a DEM (Digital Elevation Model), or display both simultaneously.

License information

Single User License: You can use Quick Terrain Modeler on MS Windows.

Used by NTNU University Museum (Department of Archaeology and Cultural History). Contact an IT responsible at NTNU University Museum for details.

Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.


Supplier information

Manufacturer: See more about Quick Terrain Modeler at Applied Imagery.

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