

Norsk versjon: Solidworks

Software information

Solidworks is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer aided engineering (CAE) program.

NTNU has an agreement for Solidworks Education Edition for employees and students.

The agreement includes a network version associated with a license server. This lisens server shall be used by the employees. You must then be connected to the NTNU network to use Solidworks - either directly or via VPN from other networks.

The agreement also includes a stand alone version (Student Engineering Kit, Student Edition) that the students shall use. The program can then be used without having to be connected to the NTNU network.

The agreement includes Solidworks Composer - to create documentation using 2D and 3D graphical contents about a product designed with Solidworks. See: Technical Communication Solutions

License information

Volume license: Access limited and needs-tested volume agreement for a Dept./Faculty. Available on Microsoft Windows.

Used by Faculty of Engineering (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering). Contact the IT responsible at the Dept. for details.

Note that the program can only be used for academic work and not for commercial work.


User help

Supplier information

Manufacturer: See more about Solidworks at Dassault Systems

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