
Gender equality and diversity - resources

We aim to be a more gender diverse and equal university. Targeted measures and resources contributes to this work.

Here, as an employee, you will find an overview of several measures and resources you can apply for. Funds are announced in May / June each year through Innsida for all employees. The application deadline is in the announcement.

Norsk versjon: Likestilling og mangfold - tiltak og midler

Looking for something else? Pages marked with gender equality | Pages tagged with diversity

Strategy and action plan

Development plan for Gender Equality and Diversity 2023 - 2025

Former action plan: Politikk for likestilling og mangfold 2018 - 2022 (in Norwegian)


There are tools to help you realise the development plan for equality and diversity. You can find an overview of these at Gender equality and diversity - tools.

Measures and recources

Every year, during June, funds are announced for gender equality and diversity measures. These are announced on Innsida in the meaasge channel “All employees” and to all faculties and NTNU`s Joint Administration via Ephorte

Individual measures

Department- and faculty-based initiatives

Department and / or faculty-based funding, for example, seminars and networking that promotes equality and diversity. Projects to promote student recruitment of women to technology and science, men to health science, and increased diversity among students. The faculties are expected to contribute 40% of their own funding to the total budget. The maximum total budget per project is NOK 500,000. Allocated funds shall be used during the granted year unless otherwise stated in the application.

Diversity measures

We are a university with diversity. The measures below will make our diversity visible, increase our knowledge across the organization and contribute to inclusion and belonging. Are you going to carry out a project, event or similar, which strengthens the work with diversity, find information on how you can apply for measures in this connection.

Application forms

When applying for various measures, you must use these forms.

Information about the application deadline, where and how they ar e to be delivered, can be found in the announcement that comes every spring.

Frequently asked questions

Starter-packs and qualification grants

  • Who should I send the application to?
    • The application is sent to your head of department, who forwards it to the faculty for it to be part of the rating, if necessary. The faculty submits the applications through ePhorte.
  • Can I use the funds to for travels and conferences?
    • Yes, if it is reasoned well how this will help you in your advancement.
  • Can I send the application directly to the Adviser for Gender Equality and Diversity?
    • No. Send it to the head of department, who will ensure that the application is forwarded to the faculty. Feel free to talk to the administration at the department and faculty, as this is solved differently at the various units.
  • Who at the faculty should have the application?
    • It is organized differently at the various faculties. Consult with your department and faculty.
  • Do I have to include a budget in the application?
    • Yes, and this should show how you plan to use the funds and when.
  • Do I receive the money into my own account?
    • No, the money is transferred to the department as the costs are entered at the correct project.
  • Is there a template for applications?
    • Not now, in August 2021, but this should be in place by the application round in 2022.
  • Is it possible for men to apply?
    • Yes, it is the gender balance at your department that is decisive for the application basis. Ask the administration for local statistics and check the conditions for applications.
  • Who keeps my application?
    • The Committee for Gender Equality and Diversity establish a board that will process the applications and submits its recommendation to the Committee. The committee takes a stance to the recommendation and makes sure that approved applications are in line with NTNU’s overall goals and focus areas.

Other measures

  • Mentoring program - This is available thorugh a seperate application prosess. For more information, see the wiki page itself.

General Measures

Local measures


Faculties offer restart-stipends for scholars/fellows and post docs who have had parental leave for more than six months. This stipend is offered as one month extension of the contract. Check local information at your faculty or contact local HR-staff (in Norwegian).

Also look at



Senior advisor gender equality and diversity Janet Rautio Øverland, HR- og HMS-avdelingen.

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